Part 6

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ira was currently with the girls on a sleepover at Clara's house discussing where ira should stay

rachel: he could stay at my house i-i don't mind

maya: i don't think your parents would like it though

clover: i got it he could stay in one of our houses we don't use, although it's rather small

ira: it's okay i don't have many things with me anyway

Makenzie: sounds like a plan




security guard: man what a nice night

regina: not for long

the security guard quickly looked to the left only too see two red glowing eyes staring at him before he saw his heart all black rip from his body as he passed out

regina: come on out distain...


suddenly the pixies woke up


everyone turned to them in shock

they all followed the pixies outside where they saw the taser distain, a knocked out security guard, and regina

ira: tch regina

regina: IRRAAAA~

rachel: i don't like the tone in her voice

clara: it sounds kinda scary

ira: what do you even want regina

regina: i want you!

. . .

everyone -regina: eh?!

regina: I've been so so so so so sad after you left but that's when i realised... i need you

rachel; you sound crazy what do you mean you need him!

regina: well I'm a princess and i need a prince! ira is perfect for that role

ira: y-your crazy!

regina: don't talk to your future queen like that, NOW GO GET THEM DISTAIN!

taser distain: DISTAAAIIIIN

ira kicked it to the side

ira: quickly! transform I'll hold it off!

the girls: RIGHT!

the girls all transformed as ira held off the distain

maya: regina you don't have to do this!

regina: i know... I WAN'T TO DO THIS

she rushed forward at rachel who barely blocked in time


rachel pushed her off 

rachel: wasn't it your fault though for what you did to him...

regina scowled

ira kicked the distant into regina sending her into a wall

ira: quick destroy it!

makenzie: right!

she used her special move defeating the distant as the now purified heart flew back into the secerutiy guard who woke up and saw the glitter force

natalie: quickly get out of here

the security guard ran while thanking them

regina growled after getting back up

she jumped onto ira pinning him to the ground and pulling out a knife holding it to his neck

the girls all stood there shocked

ira didn't dare to move

regina: nobody move...

regina: now here's what's gonna happen... ira will come back with me... and nobody will stop me

she quickly knocked out ira and brought him with her

once they were gone rachel fell to her knees

rachel: we... we need to save him

she teared up

clara: i fear that if we don't do something he may die

Makenzie: then there's only one thing to do!

maya: we need to save ira!

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