Part 3

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it was the next day ira was hungry can came out for breakfast when he saw regina in an apron cooking what looked like charcoal

ira: what are you doing

regina: a-ah ira i was just cooking breakfast

ira scoffed

ira: disgusting

regina teared up a bit she tried really hard on this

ira just got himself some cereal ready and ate that before heading to his room

regina: ira w-wait

he turned around

ira: what

regina: u-uh do you wanna bowl with me?

ira: no screw off

suddenly king mercenare contacted ira

k.m: ira i need you to go and test your power you have been training extremely hard for a while now 

ira: yes sir

ira teleported away regina: he doesn't want anything to do with me...

5 minutes later 

ira had just created a distain and it was extremely powerful

the glitter force arrived and had been fighting it for a long time now

they eventually somehow beat the distaim

rachel then ran to ira

rachel: ira... are you okay

ira: ...

rachel hugged him

rachel: look if you need someone to talk to you can always talk to me

ira blushed and hugged her back

ira: c-can i sleep over i don' want to be near regina

rachel smiled

rachel: of course

the other girls just watched silently

mackenzie: do you think she can help him?

maya: of course she can it's rachel 

the girls giggled

clara: that is true

a bit later regina was getting worried because ira hadn't returned yet

she paced around for hours on end while ira and rachel were spending time together

ira and rachel have gotten very close in just that night, ira even considers joining the glitter force in stopping king mercenare

rachel's house didn't have a spare room so ira asked if he was going to sleep on the couch but she had other plans

rachel: n-no i cant make you do that your a guest y-you can sleep with me

this made ira's face turn red

ira: a-are you sure

rachel: o-of course

with regina

regina was holding a pillow close to her with her eyes wide open

regina: he's not back i-i cant sleep here all by myself

she was scared but eventually cried herself to sleep

to be continued... i guess? idk man

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