Your story

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Hi guys.
Hope you're doing good. Enjoying the stories.

So this is the section where I post your stories.

Today this story was shared to me by Danmaccantwrite.

Hope you enjoy it.

Do appreciate. and motivate the writer guys.


Do you ever have those days that remain infamous to you? I think everyone does. Whether they're happy or not. These days stick with you. Most of mine are happy but there is still one that cause me to wake up shaking some nights. It is a day that will forever haunt me. Like a parasite killing its host, it is slowly killing me.
The day started off like every other day in my sophomore year of highschool. I was walking home from school(I lived a block away from the school)and was in my own world thinking about my day at school when I saw a little boy crying across the street. I looked around and saw that he was alone. A conflicting battle started between my innerselves. A part of me wanted to go to him and see if he was alright but a larger part of me wanted to go home and pretend like I never saw him. I was tired and wasn't really keen on going to him so I continued walking home. I creepy feeling arose when I was around 30 meters away from him.
And I looked.
I still regret looking back.
The image still haunts me to this day
I saw a normal looking man approaching the boy. The boy suddenly started to shake really hard at the first glance of him.
The man started to change and his mouth grew large. It grew at least 7 feet long. He bent down and swallowed the boy whole. He then looked at me and I saw that he didn't look human at all.
It was an illusion.
His red eyes stared at me and I felt them peer into my soul. It looked like he winked at me and then he walked away. I stood there and watched until he was nothing but a speck.
It felt like an eternity. I walked home eventually and heard the news playing in the living room. I looked at it and saw the little boy I had just encountered.
I felt sick to my stomach. They never found
his body and I knew they never will.

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