250 word horror story!

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Author's note :
I'll be updating short horror stories within 250 words...  Hope you all will enjoy reading them.......................................................................................................................................................................
Her phone beeped "Smrt...".
Elena had just made her bed and was preparing to sleep after hanging up with her boyfriend.
She deleted the text and slept off.
Next night, she had her dinner and talked with her boyfriend.
As she was about to sleep, she got a text message "...je blizko". She recognized it was the same sender from the last three digits '666'.
She replied this time "WTF?” and went to sleep.
Fifteen minutes later she heard a sharp noise which she recognized. Her phone had fallen down from the side table.
Half asleep, she reached out to pick her phone up 
She grabbed her phone, it did not move. She was perplexed.
This time she got out of her quilt and bent down properly. The carpet started rising up with her pull but the phone did not come away. She kept pulling which lifted the carpet as high as the bed itself and the phone detached.
The carpet did not fall back on the floor. She tried pushing it down with her feet and she freaked because of what she felt.
There was a living body underneath it. It started moving as if being woken up and came out. It was translucent. Elena could see her mirror and wardrobe through it.
She jumped and tried to run to the door. The being caught her and put one of her limbs inside her mouth and started chewing. It was slow eating as if the being wanted to enjoy the meal. Eventually it entered her body. It wasn't Elena any more.

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