Tell me when it's over..

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We used to live in a really old part of my town. Now when I say old, I mean 1700’s old. A lot of old torn down buildings and a lot of boarded up houses. When I was about 11, we lived in this one super old duplex (but with four apartments instead of two), and my neighbor, Max, was to the right of us. One night, Max And myself were skipping rocks on the abandoned railroad tracks behind the local VFW. No one ever really went on the tracks and there was a lot of trash from the homeless people who once occupied the area. 

As we are walking down the tracks, we hear yelling, like someone is in a heated argument. Like SUPER angry. Well it starts to get dark and the yelling gets louder. Max is freaked out at this point because it’s so silent outside, you would hear a needle drop. But instead, all you hear is yelling. I hear Max scream, and turn to see him being pulled by his legs down the track. I race after him and scream for whatever it was pulling him, to stop. I felt like my heart was gonna pop out of my chest! I jump on max and we go rolling off the train tracks, down into the woods.

Max yells to me and asks if I’m okay, and as I look at him to respond, I notice this little tent to the far right, tucked under some logs and broken down trees. Thankfully Max has his flashlight, and we look inside. Never in my life, have I seen something this gruesome. It was this shriveled body of a man, his skin hanging off, and the smell so Unbearable, that I begin to heave. I fall back to vomit, and this dead guy grabs my ankle and I booked it out of there. I ran so fast and didn’t look back. I heard Max yelling my name and screaming. This thing was chasing us! 

We ran past the VFW, down the alley and into Max’s yard, and into his house where we locked every door and window. We barricaded his room and cowered under his bed. Max’s parents were out that night, so they weren’t around for all of this. For two hours, this THING banged on the doors so hard, we thought the doors would give away. Eventually we fell asleep and woke up when his parents got home. We vowed to never speak of it to anyone, ever.

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