250 word horror story!

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“There's a field across town where they say dogs won't go, or birds, or any kind of animal for that matter,” LeRoi said to the man sitting on the seat next to him as he drove along the highway.

“A house once stood there, but it's long since gone. The last owner of the property, a local dentist named Stratton, killed his family and himself 35 years ago to escape a rape and sexual assault scandal. Seems Dr. Stratton liked to take advantage of female patients while they were under sedation.” LeRoi glanced over at his passenger. 

“Dr. Stratton purchased the field at an estate sale. The prior owner, an old woman blinded by cataracts, had walked into the Savings and Loan and opened fire with her shotgun, angry over… something. The security guard tried to disarm her, but in the struggle the gun went off and took the left side of her head with it.”

LeRoi sat silently for a moment, the cab filled with the rumble of the engine and the growl of the heavy tire tread on the pavement.

“I guess there’s something that happens to whoever owns that field. What do you think?” He glanced across the cab. “I own that field now. Are you scared of me?”

They went over a hard bump in the road and the man started to slump over in his seat. LeRoi reached over, propped him back up, and laughed.

“Don’t be. Dead men have nothing to fear.”

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