"D&D?Do you play D&D?" [Eddie]

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This is Y/N

I was the new kid at Hawkins high and trust me it was miserable everyone had their little groups all ready and here you were either a popular athlete or a total freakWith my looks and music taste in Hawkins I was a freak, just another target for J...

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I was the new kid at Hawkins high and trust me it was miserable everyone had their little groups all ready and here you were either a popular athlete or a total freak
With my looks and music taste in Hawkins I was a freak, just another target for Jason the basketball boy that everyone loved.
I was sitting on a staircase outside during lunch listening to "Eye of beholder" by Metallica as a kid in a "hellfire" tee-shirt walked up to me and said something
"Im sorry what?"
"D&D? You're new here, do you play D&D?"
"Uh yeah actually why?"
"Okay so we desperately need another player for our final campaign tonight because our friend is playing in the game and he can't make it and I can kinda tell you play"
"You can tell I play?"
"Yeah you look like a freak just like the rest of us but um back to the game tonight so will you come it's in room 206"
"Not all freaks play D&D"
"That's not the point well it kinda is but will you come or not"
"Um yeah I guess whats your name?"
"Dustin Henderson and this is Mike"
"Hey I'm Y/N nice to meet you guys"
"Yeah we'll see you tonight" said Mike
They walked away and I went back to listening to music
"Well at least I'll hang with the rest of freaks now" I said in my head
I went home and waited until it was time for me to bike.
After a 20 bike ride I was finally at the highschool I just had to find room 206.
I wondered the halls until I eventually found it, I could see the orange light from the hallway. I knocked on the door and Dustin answered
"Holy shit you actually came"
"Hey don't be so surprised you just met me"
"Come in" he smiled
I walked in the room to see a group of people staring at me but only one really caught my eye
"Eddie this is Lucas's replacement, meet Y/N"
"Eddie is his name... he's kinda hot?" I said in my head
"Absolutely not" he said with a smile on his face
"What?!" Dustin shrieked
"You asked for a sub we delivered"
"No this hellfire club this is serious Dustin it's our final campaign I don't need some amateur tonight"
"Im not an amateur you long haired freak"
"My my so he speaks" the guys next to him laughed
"So whats your name anyways" he stood up and started walking over to me
"Y/N L/N"
"Oh yeah, I've heard about you"
"You've heard about me?"
"Yeah word says you don't take off those neat little headphones"
"Are we gonna do this or keep chit chatting like this is your mommy's bookclub?"
Slowly a smile grew on his face
"Welcome to hellfire"
He stuck out his hand, I made eye with him looking back down at his hand as I shook it. We played the game and I ended up rolling the winning dice that killed Vecna and ended the campaign. We all celebrated the win and started packing up the game, I noticed Eddie glancing over at me a couple times like he was thinking of something
"Hey Y/N can you stay longer and help me pack up?" Eddie asked
"Uh yeah sure but Dustin is giving me a ride home so I'll just go tell him"
I walked out into the hallway and saw Dustin standing against the wall
"Hey Dustin um Eddie wants me to help pack up but I'll be out in a minute if you don't mind waiting"
"Its cool I'll wait but don't do anything with Eddie I'm not sure if you've noticed because you just met today but he's into you, like into you"
"Dustin don't be stupid no he's not, there's no way"
He tried to say something else but I cut him off before he could
"Just a couple minutes okay?"
"Fine, go"
I smiled and walked back into the room, it looked like Eddie packed everything up already and he was sitting in his chair
"Oh you got everything already?"
"Uh yeah it wasn't that much stuff"
"Well I'll see you tomorrow then Eddie" I smiled at him and started walking out of the room to leave with Dustin
"Actually Y/N, I wanted to talk to you"
"Oh? About what?" I said smiling
"Well you see" he got up and walked around the table towards me
"No one has ever beat my campaign before"
"Really? To be fair it was a great campaign, I'm just that good" he started getting closer to me until my back was up against the wall
"For an amateur you're pretty good"
"Why do you keep saying I'm an amateur?"
"Unfortunately I've only seen you play once so"
"Yeah it's unfortunate, I like you I like your whole look"
"Well thank you Munson I have to say you have amazing style and quite a nice face" we smiled at each other and I looked down at my watch. Shit. Ive been in here for 15 minutes already Dustin is still waiting
"I gotta go Eddie Dustin is still waiting for me" I tried walking away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back
"I've wanted to kiss you ever since I saw you today I've been thinking about it all day"
"What about Dustin?"
"Hes outside isn't he?"
"5 more minutes Dustin" I yelled out into the hallway
"Hurry" I heard his voice echo from down the hall
I turned back to Eddie and he put both of his hands on the face and pulled me in for a kiss, I wrapped my hands around the back of his head and we started aggressively making out. It wasn't much of a surprise to me if Eddie turned out to be a freak and I mean a freak in bed, two freaks make one freaky couple. He pushed me against the wall and I started running one of my hands down his back and I put my hand in his pocket and he let out a slight moan. We moved over to the table and he layed me down on it as we were still making out, I started kissing down his neck and he started pulling my hair as we both let out little winces and moans, he reached over and cause something to fall over I didn't really realize because I was too focused on kissing Eddie but then I heard the door open. There wasn't enough time for Eddie to get off me without whoever nocting.
"Hey Y/N you said 5 mi-"
"Jesus Christ! Are you guys serious right now?!"
"Sorry Dustin I uh lost track of time"
"Lost track of time? It looks like you were kissing Eddie"
"I mean I was doing that too"
Eddie laughed and I started laughing too
"You guys are children, I have to go home Y/N Com'on"
"Okay Dustin I'm coming" I tuned to Eddie to say goodbye
"Goodbye Y/N I enjoyed our chat"
"We should talk again then, sometime soon"
"I'm looking forward to it sir"
I kissed Eddie and walked out with Dustin
"Com'on with Eddie really you just met him"
"I mean in my defense I just met you too so"
"But with Eddie he's my friend"
"And now my friend maybe more"
"Yeah yeah, good job tonight though you're pretty good at D&D"
"Thanks Henderson you're pretty alright yourself"
I put my arm around him and he dropped me off at home, I ended up dating Eddie not long after that night and we haven't stopped annoying Dustin with our relationship yet

(1308 words)

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