Visitors, hotness and first date

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A/n This has no relation to heathers back by the way and Astrid and Hiccup aren't dating
Astrid's P.o.v
"Okay guys Hiccup is at the forge so I'm doing the training today" I told the Gang "wait what do we train" Tuffnut asked, I face palmed "we train dragons Tuff we've been over this" I said "oh right I knew that" he answered unconvincingly, I just sighed "alright lets get to it" I muttered, I wish Hiccup was here. We were about to start but the chief interrupted us "Astrid i'd like you and the teens to come here" "okay chief, come on guys" I said and beckoned for them to follow. Gobber and the chief were standing in the entrance with 4 people behind them who I couldn't see properly "alright now we have some guest who will staying with us for a week this is Edna and Markus" he said and two people stepped forward, I don't know why but they looked familiar "hello" we all said in unison making them laugh and say hello back, "and I'm sure you all remember heather right" Stoick said once he said heather all our eyes widened "did you say H...heather" I stuttered realising why the adults were familiar, they were heathers parents. "hey there guys wow you all look older" (they're 19 in this story) she said stepping out from behind Stoick but still holding her hand behind him, her raven black hair cascaded over her shoulder her green eyes were soft and happy "yeah you've changed too, but in a good way" I said making her pale cheeks turn a slight red, someone cleared their throat as in wanting attention "oh right guys this is Peter well boyfriend" she said turning a deeper red and tugging a boy out from behind stoick. He was tall but not as tall as Hiccup, he had blue eyes and brunette hair and he had a solid build but he wasn't my type of guy my type of guy was well Hiccup. "Ooh so taken bad luck guys" I snickered and they all groaned "wait why is that a bad thing I mean there is still Ruff and Astrid on the market" heather said "actually I'm taken too so that means there only Astrid" Ruff told her, showing her and Fishlegs' intertwined hands to heather "yeah but I mean Hiccup and asmmhm" Tuffnut started but was interrupted by Astrid who put her hand over his mouth. "So you guys train dragons that's really cool heather already told me what you ride but can you tell me something about them" Peter asked he had a very deep voice with a thick accent "ooh well I'll tell you" fishlegs said excitedly "ok well the deadly nadder likes chicken, the zippleback is very loyal, Groncles have almost impenetrable skin, monstrous nightmares like pain and terrible terrors like to play tug-of-war" he finished "wow you know a lot about dragons" Peter said in awe making fishlegs blush. Stoick startled all of us by speaking, we had forgotten that the adults were there "Hiccup where is he" the Chief said "oh he is working up at forge said he's got some stuff to do" Fishlegs replied "well let's go and get him and then we can give our visitors a tour of Berk" the chief said receiving nods from us all.
--in the village--
We were approaching the forge when I noticed a large group of girls younger and older then us standing out the front "what's going on over there" heather questioned "I don't know but let's find out" Stoick said becoming very chiefly. we got to the forge and I called out "hey Hiccup you in there", after that there was a crashing and some cursing "uh Hiccup what was that" Gobber bellowed "um it was...uh......nothing Gobber everything is all good" he replied unsteadily "Hiccup come out here now" the chief yelled out agitated "alright be there in a sec" was the reply he got. We looked at all the girls who just smiled sheepishly, one girl exclaimed "ooh quick look" she said getting the others attention and they all stared through the forge window "what are you doing" I asked the girls but I got a reply from someone else "oh I just sharpening their weapons" a voice said I turned to see Hiccup leaning on the door frame wiping soot from his hands. "hey hicc" I said cheerfully getting a smirk in return making the girls behind me giggle what is up with them "Hiccup where is your tunic" Stoick chuckled, I looked at him confused and saw everyone's expressions there was an assortment of jealousy and lust I turned to look back at Hiccup finally noticing that he was shirtless. Showing off his perfectly defined six-pack and biceps, his skin was lightly tanned making my mouth go dry, his pants stuck to his legs because of the sweat showing that there were muscle underneath them. "GUYS" Hiccup yelled breaking us out of our staring fest "jeez what's up with you guys, as I was saying dad I took off my tunic because it was hot and I was gonna die" he said exaggerating "oh well that explains them" stoick said nodding to the girls behind us "sorry girls but Hiccup will have to sharpen your weapons later I need to talk to him right now" Stoick said making all the girls leave with pouty faces "so what do you need dad" Hiccup said completely oblivious to the fact that the girls had just been watching him work shirtless "well son heather, her parents and her boyfriend have come to stay for a week and we are going to give them a tour and you are going to participate" he answered, I noticed hiccups eyes start searching for someone "heather" Hiccup exclaimed when he found her, he wiped the sweat off of himself, making me want to just make out with him right there, and approached her and gave her a hug, I felt a pang of jealousy in me because of that action but it meant nothing, I hope. After Hiccup greeted everyone stoick spoke up again "alright Hiccup go get your tunic and we will start the tour" he said clapping his hands together "oh a problem with that dad I'm gonna have to get myself another tunic" he said looking down "why" Stoick questioned "well toothless may or may not have grabbed my tunic and I may or may not had starting playing tug-of-war with him" Hiccup said smirking, oh that smirk if he doesn't stop looking so hot I'm gonna die, "oh gods Hiccup what am I gonna do with you" stoick sighed "uh how about letting me grab the little menace of a dragon and go get another shirt" he said hopefully getting a nod from the chief, he smiled and called for toothless. "wait heather said I'll find out what dragon you ride and that your the leader of the academy" Peter started getting a nod from Hiccup "but if your the leader, why do you only have a terrible terror as a dragon" he continued making us all burst out laughing "I don't have a terrible terror" Hiccup said trying to breathe "but you said 'little' menace and he likes to play tug-of-war" he said confused "he is both of those things but toothless is a.." but he was cut of by a growling I looked behind Hiccup to see toothless growling and hissing at the new people "a Nightfury" Peter stammered "yep toothless is a Nightfury, aren't ya bud" Hiccup called out, toothless now came bounding over having realised these people were not a threat. "toothless hey there" heather cooed scratching toothless before going back to a shocked Peter "that's...a....a...n...n..Nightfury" he stammered "yes babe I know" heather chuckled "um hate to ruin the reunion but I have to go get a tunic" Hiccup said "okay hicc we will wait here" I told him even though I didn't want him put a tunic back on "okay M'lady" he said before flying off, I blushed at the nickname he had given me "oh I see what you mean Tuff there's not a Hiccup and Astrid yet" heather winked "ugh can we not talk about my fishbone cousin" Snotlout said obviously jealous "fishbone, fishbone did you not just see his body right there" I pointed out "ooh you were looking at him" Ruffnut teased "and so were you and heather and pretty much all of us" I snapped back getting angry "woah I'm gone for like two minutes and you already managed to piss Astrid off" Hiccup snickered putting and arm around my shoulders "it's okay Astrid just ignore them remember we talked about this" he whispered into my ear as he spoke his hot breathe blew one my neck making me get the chills "any way for this tour" Stoick said "right lets go" Hiccup said taking his arm off me much to my dismay and followed his dad. I started following them as well when heather came and whispered into my ear "I saw that" "what" I said "I saw that when Hiccup took his arm off you your faced dropped and your mood changed" she said gleefully, I just rolled my eyes "hmm I think there hiccstrid" she giggled before running to catch up to Peter. I kept following when a hand came and intertwined with mine and made me stop walking, I was looking down when the person lifted my chin up and made me look at them. "what's up M'lady you seem down" Hiccup asked "oh I'm fine" i murmured getting a scoff from Hiccup "alright but M'lady know we have strayed from the group" he said and I noticed how far the group had walked from us "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tonight" he continued and my heart started racing "you mean like a date" I said feeling like I was gonna explode "um yeah so would you" he replied nervously "i would love to Haddock" I said excitedly he sighed in relief "oh well that's good I'll pick you up at 6:00 now come on let's catch up" he said pulling me along with him to catch up to the group. this was it my first date with Hiccup I need to ask Ruff and heather for help.
That was the longest one shot EVER!!! Omg it took me ages to write any way so what did you think rufflegs and a little Hiccstrid hehe me like;)
Hope you like as much as me liked
Ugh I'm talking like a 2 year old but all well bye bye

PeAcE oUt✌️😸❤️😇👋😘😊😎

Love will prevail:Hiccstrid one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now