🧸 Littles without a caregiver 🧸

654 17 14

1 love yourself. Be gentle with yourself. You're doing the best you can.

2 eat healthy. (I'm bad at this. Chocolate <3)

3 exercise. It doesn't have to be something traditional. Don't want to run? Dance! Don't like yoga? How about Tai-Chi?

4 give yourself some rules. Look up what others have for their rules and if you like em, adapt them.

5 give yourself rewards for following your rules.

6 set aside time just to be you. Color, game, balloons, whatever makes you happy as long as it hurts no one else.

7 don't get discouraged! It takes time to find your Caregiver

8 don't compare yourself to others. Every person has different needs and wants, so comparing yourself to others just hurts everyone. It hurts your self esteem, hurts those who would love you just the way you are by denying them you, and hurts those you are comparing yourself to by being in a competition they didn't agree to.

To feel little or middle by yourself : watch your age range's tv programs/movies. Take up some art stuff perhaps. Go to the zoo and enjoy the animals. Go to build-a-bear, or learn how to make a delicious snacks. Whatever makes you feel like your age range! There isn't a wrong or right way to go about it.

Author Question: Who's your favourite author?

My Answer: Mine is colleen hoover!!

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