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Xena stood in front of Gabrielle, guarding her from the slavers leader. He looked at her and smirked.

Now who let you out?

Xena said nothing.

Well never mind. I suppose you can join in the fun too

XENA- Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

Xena drew her sword. She glanced back at Gabrielle..

It's okay Gabrielle. I won't let anyone harm you.

It took a moment for Gabrielle to recognize Xena from the cage.

What are you doing here?

Like I said before, I'm getting you out of here.

The slavers leader laughed.

(condescending tone)Aww, isn't that cute. Looks like someone's trying to play hero.

Yea let's play.

Xena let out her battle cry, as she kicked the slavers leader in the chest. He was sent back onto his bed. He stood back up.

(rubbing his chest)- You've got some fight in you. I like that.

Then how do you like this?

Xena grabbed his arm, twisted it and flipped him. He landed hard on his back.

OK, that was a bit TOO much.

He tried to get up. Xena stepped on his chest and pointed her sword at him.

If you know what's good for you, you'll stay down.

The slavers leader chuckled.

OK, sure...GUARDS!

Some of his guards burst into the room.

What's wrong, not man enough to take me on your own?

The slavers leader's guards looked at the situation, a little surprised.

(pointing at Xena) Well don't just stand there. Get her!

The guards charged Xena. She preceded to fight them off. While Xena was preoccupied with the guards, the slavers leader grabbed Gabrielle.

You're coming with me.

No! Let me go!

Gabrielle tried to fight him off, but he just picked her up ran out of the room.


Xena quickly got the guards out of her way and chased after them. He ran through the corridors trying to lose Xena,who was in hot pursuit. They raced down hallways,, up stairs and all around the building. He ran until he reached the end of the hall. He burst into the Last room and barricaded the door. Xena tried to break down the door. But no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn't budge. She looked around and saw a window down the hall. Xena went and climbed out the window. She quickly, but carefully skirted along the ledge. She reached the window to the room that the slavers leader was held up in with Gabrielle. Xena crashed through the window. Once she finally got into the room she saw the slavers leader crouched next to Gabrielle, who was laying on the floor. He looked over his shoulder at Xena and gave her an evil smile.

Such a shame.

What have you done?!

With a crazed look in his eyes, he began laughing.

No one takes what's mine. But I could tell that you're not one to give up. So I decided, if I can't have her, no one can.

He stood up and turned towards Xena. Xena noticed the bloody dagger in his hand.


With sword in hand, Xena changed at him. He blocked her swing with his dagger. Their steel clashed.

You know it really is too bad. I think you could have given me quite a bit of amusement. Oh well, I've got plenty more. So I'll just get rid of you, like that other one.

The way he talked like they were nothing but objects to him made Xena sick.

" That other one"?

Xena felt her rage boil over.

Her name is Gabrielle!

Xena pushed him back. He stumbled backwards a little. Regaining his balance, he changed Xena. He swung his sword to attack. She parried and before the slavers leader could retaliate Xena thrust her sword deep into his stomach. She yanked it back out and watched as the slavers leader staggered back, clenching his wound.

How could "I" be beaten, by a woman?

He gasp and then collapsed. Xena quickly turned her attention to Gabrielle. She rushed over and knelt beside her.

Gabrielle? Gabrielle?

She didn't respond. Xena turned her over and saw stab wound on Gabrielle's side. She quickly covered the wound to try and stop the bleeding.

It's gonna be okay, just hold on.

While Xena was preoccupied with tending to Gabrielle, the slavers leader was getting back up. He stared at Xena, holding his wound, consumed by rage. He grabbed his sword.

If I'm dying, I'm at least taking you with me.

He changed at Xena. She stood up and dodged his attack. The slavers leader stumbled to the window. Getting his footing, he turned to face Xena. He roared and changed Xena again. Xena kicked him as hard as she could. The slavers leader was sent staggering backwards against the window. Off balance, he franticly tried to grab at anything as he felt himself going over the edge. With no luck he fell out the window, plummeting to his death. Xena returned to Gabrielle. She inspected her wound. It was deep, there was blood everywhere. Xena tore part of the curtain and pressed it against Gabrielle's wound.

(Thinking to herself) It won't stop.

Xena quickly searched the room for anything to close up Gabrielle's wound. She tore the room apart, but found nothing. Xena went back to Gabrielle and picked her up to bring her somewhere Xena could find supplies to close Gabrielle's wound. Xena realized Gabrielle wasn't breathing. She quietly put her back down. She felt for a pulse and felt nothing. Xena did everything she could to get Gabrielle to respond in any way. But nothing worked. Gabrielle just layed there motionless in Xena's arms.

Gabrielle, no.

Xena held her tight, as she felt her tears began to fall.


Xena's heart broke with the realization that Gabrielle was dead.


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