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After I finish I cover myself with a towel and walk out as soon as I do I jump I was not expecting someone to be in my room after I walked out.


"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I had to come and meet you, I made sure no one saw me."
"They could still be watching, and did you leave my kids somewhere? You should be protecting them Tony."
"Calm down, they're in there baby carriers in your closet. I figured if I heard someone coming and I had to hide it would be easier if I already have them hiding."
"You're lucky they're safe," I said and went to my closet. I haven't seen them since I gave birth and named them. I enter my closet and walk towards the carriers. They've grown so big, they're about 5 months old now. I have two kids a boy and a girl. Everett and Alina. Everett has a mole like mine and Alina has my eyes. Nothing in this life will compare to when I first saw them. Seeing parts of myself in them. I can be mad at Tony all I want but I'm honestly happy I get to see them again. Even if it's just for a little bit. I was so focused on them that I forgot I'm in a towel. I put in something quick. A t-shirt and sweatpants and decide to go back out to Tony. He wouldn't have come if it wasn't important. Tony has been my friend since we were kids. He was the first one I told about my home life. I entrusted him to protect my kids. I trust him more than anyone. He's 19 right now, he's tall and muscular. He has brown hair and dark blue eyes. Despite the fact he could easily kill someone he's very kind and caring.
"Why did you come here?"
"I came to talk about him, he's getting closer and closer everyday. I think I'm going to have to go to a new country. I figured since you're in America now I should stop by to talk before we leave,"
"Do what you need to do, I want my kids and you safe,"
"Awe, you care about me," he says. I hit his arm lightly and roll my eyes.
"Where do you plan on going?"
"Somewhere far where he has no business. I was thinking Australia. It'd be perfect. He has no Mafia ties there and the Australian Mafia is very protective of their territory. And powerful. If they follow us there they risk being killed by them,"
"That sounds like a good plan, I appreciate you telling me,"
"I figured you would want to see them, who knows when we'll be safe enough to come back," he responds. I just nod my head. He gives me a hug and I hug back. Tony is a very safe person for me. In my life I have never had a place where I'm safe so Tony is like my safe place. Like a shield from the rest of the world. After a while I break the hug.
"How have they been doing?"
"They've been good, they're eating well and growing. I swear I have to buy new clothes every few weeks lately because they outgrow everything,"
"I'm glad to hear that. Are they happy?"
"Yes. Everett loves watching birds and playing with blocks and Alina loves anything brightly colored. They don't notice the moving or the stress of everything either. They're very happy babies,"
"Thank you,"
"For what?"
"Taking care of them,"
"It's no problem, they need to be safe and I'll protect and love them," he says and I hug him again.
"I'm going to go say goodbye to Everett and Alina," I say and walk away. I enter the closest again and go towards the carriers. Everett is awake and looks at me.
"Hi baby," I say and he smiles. He starts moving and waving his little arms. I decide to pick him up. His little hands hold my fingers.
"I'm your mom," I say say and kiss his forehead. I hate the idea of not being around them but I have to let go. I think the longer I spend with them the harder it's going to be without them. So as much as it pains me I put Everett back into the baby carrier and kiss his forehead. I also kiss Alina's forehead and then pick up the carriers to bring to Tony.
"Here, make sure you get to Australia safely,"
"I will," Tony says and takes the carriers. I watch as he climbs out my window and leaves me alone. He shouldn't have come here. I don't know how I feel about this but I just hope they stay safe. And I hope for all of us that none of my brothers heard him come in or leave. All of them are a threat. Besides Santo, I trust him.

Today has been such an long and surprising day. And seeing Tony also reminds me that I still haven't figured out who some of the men following them are. But I don't have my laptop so I'm just going to go to bed and worry about everything tomorrow.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
I'm sorry it was short, I've been so busy this week. I'm going to try and update more often but I can't promise anything. Thank you for reading

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