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I smile and go over to Everett and pick him back up. "Let's go downstairs," I say and Adonis agrees following me out.


We go down to the kitchen and set up the twins in their high chairs. Adonis's mom stops her cooking and comes over to give me a hug. I hug back instantly. "It's good to see you again dear," she says letting me go. I smile back and say "I good to see you too Maria, thank you for letting me stay here." "It's no problem I'm glad Adonis has found someone he trusts, I know you're perfect for each other just knowing how much happier he's been since he met you," she says. "Mom," Adonis says whining a bit.

She just shrugs and goes back to cooking. I laugh slightly and sit down to feed Alina and Everett. They're 10 months old now so they're eating oatmeal with cut up strawberries and bananas this morning. Adonis sits down as well to feed Everett so I can focus on feeding Alina. They can pick up their own food but we have to make sure they actually eat everything and don't choke. I can't believe I missed 10 months of their lives. I never want to leave them again.

Maria sets down some plates of food. She made pancakes and waffles for breakfast topped with fruits. She also brought out some syrups and whip cream. When she was done she yelled "Rhea, boys, come down for breakfast." Before sitting down herself. I look over to Adonis and he says "Rhea is my little sister and I have two younger brothers Ajax and Ares, they're twins." "Why did you never mention them?" I ask. "With everything that's happened I've been so busy and it never really came up," he said.

I nod, that is true. "Ok," I say before taking a bite of food. A few seconds later I heard people rushing down the steps. They came into the kitchen and rushed towards the food. They didn't even notice Adonis and I until they sat down. "Who's your friend?" One of the boys asks. Rhea rolls her eyes and says "That's his girlfriend you idiot." "How was I supposed to know?" He asks. The other boy interrupts their argument to ask "Why does she have kids?" They both stop and look towards the twins.

Adonis answers for me and says "She has kids before she met me this is Alina and Everett." Pointing to them as he says their names. "They're twins?" The boys ask. I answer this time "Yeah." They nod simultaneously. "Why don't you guys introduce yourselves?" Maria suggests. "I'm Rhea and I'm 15," Rhea says. "I'm Ajax, I'm 13," one of the boys asks. "I'm Ares, I'm his twin so I'm 13 as well," the other boy says. "It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Kiera, I'm 17," I say. "I thought you were 16?" Rhea asks. "I turned 17 recently," I say.

The rest of the morning went by nicely. When Rhea and the boys left Adonis took me up to his room. Maria will be spending the day with the twins. "You had your birthday already?" Adonis says as soon as we get into his room. "Yeah, I honestly forgot until I checked the calendar and realized my birthday already passed" I say going over to his closet. He cleared out a space for my clothes so I could stay in his room.

He follows me in and shuts the door. "I never got you a present," Adonis says. "You don't have to, I don't mind," I say. I turn back around and start going though my clothes to find a black outfit. Adonis comes up behind me and starts kissing my neck. I moan as he nips at my sweet spot. "Let me at least do this," he mumbles against my neck. "Ok," I say. He continues kissing me.

After awhile he starts tracing the outline of my hard nipple against my clothes and I lean into him. He turns me around and ask "Do you consent to what I'm about to do to you?" "Yes," I say. Without a second thought he pulls my shirt off. "Remember your safe word?" He asks as he takes my pants off as well. "Yes," I say. After he picks me up and carries me out to the bedroom and dropping me on the bed. "Tell me your safe word μωρό (baby)," he says. "Purple," I respond. "Good girl," he tells me before opening up the drawer to the nightstand and pulling out a pair of leather handcuffs.

After tying me up he returns to kissing me. But this time all over. He travels down between my legs and pulls my panties off. He starts licking and sucking on the sensitive area making me moan loudly. "You're so wet," he says. He continues until I'm about to cum then he stops. I whine and he comes up to my face. I move my hips up to his trying to get some friction but he stops me. "You're so eager for me aren't you," he says mockingly.

He kisses the side of my lips and I try to move my hips again. He groans and makes his way back down. "You're my eager whore aren't you?" He says. I moan and he kisses my nub. I'm positive he has a degradation kink and now I'm sure I have one too. He swirls his tongue around my nub before continuing to lick and suck. He allows me to release this time. "You taste good μωρό (baby)." He says.

He takes off his clothes and positions himself at my entrance. He's taking to long so I buck against him. He smirks before holding my hips down so I can't. He takes his time sliding in and stops when he only has his tip in. He then starts taking me with only the tip. I moan enjoying the sensation and he starts going faster still only with the tip in me. It's not long before I cum again.

"Good girl," he says as he wraps his hand around my neck. He goes in further and starts thrusting again. This time taking me in deep strokes. He finishes inside me and pulls out. He hovers over me just admiring me before he leans over me and kisses me. The kiss is slow and passionate. He unties me and wraps his arms around me not breaking the kiss. We continue until we stop to catch our breathes. He carries me to the bathroom and cleans me up before we get dressed.

As we get into the car he says. "Whatever happens today, I'm here with you. Don't take what Stoyan may say to heart." I nod silently. By the end of the day he won't be here anymore. He won't be able to hurt anyone else. Adonis rest his hand on my thigh reminding me about what we just did but I shove those thoughts back. I need a clear mind for today.

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