Tell me

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"Are you going to tell me about Allessandro?" I ask. I dare him to say no. "Of course, just get the weed smell off first. Now let's go," he says and leads me to a beautiful apartment.


After getting dressed and covering my visible hickeys and scars I run downstairs. I'm surprised Santo has clothes my size in his apartment. I decided on something oversized instead though. It's more comfortable.   I find Santo in living room and sit next to him. "I told the guys we're out shopping. They bought it, we have 3 hours before they get pissed," He says. "Ok, now onto more important matters," I say and he laughs as he begins.

 "Ok, now onto more important matters," I say and he laughs as he begins

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Her outfit.

"It all started after my dad died. Allessandro was always close to him, he was the one who listened the most to his opinions and views. Which is why Allessandro's the way he is," Santo says and he adjusts his position on the couch. "When dad died Allessandro just got really angry. He missed dad a lot. He started to turn on us. Specifically Marco and Luca. They became his punching bags. He would get really drunk and just hit them. We couldn't do anything about it though," Santo's voice wavers. "Marco and Luca were only 9 and 11 at the time, Allessandro was 18. We were all so young. The abuse only stopped when Allessandro turn 19. We've never forgiven Allessandro after that. Although my older brothers forgive him, Luca, Marco, Alfeo and I still hate him. When you came, we covered it up and acted close. But really we usually just stay in our rooms and avoid Allessandro. The only time we come down is for dinners as a family," he says. I can't believe Allessandro did that. Santo continues "Allessandro wants to be like our father. Our father had his own family values. We always had to have dinner together, like we do now. Even though he wasn't a good father. He would punish us harshly. Locking us in the basement and letting his men beat us. Allessandro isn't usually that harsh but he can be. And with him really angry again I'm scared do you. I'm scared for my younger brothers as well, but they stay out of Allessandro's way. With you, Allessandro may be even harsher. He thinks you need to be taught a lesson. That if you cross him there will be big consequences." He takes a breath "If he saw you clearly smelling like weed I don't know what he'd do. He'd be so much harsher on you because you're a girl. He wants you to be lady like and perfect, if you aren't he'll beat you into acting like it," he finishes and looks at me.

I don't even know what to say. I know Allessandro is awful but this whole thing is surprising. "You don't need to worry about me," I assure him. "Can we change the plan to kill Allessandro?" I ask and he laughs. "We couldn't, I just want to get you out so you're safe. I eventually want to get Marco, Luca and Alfeo out as well but there's more of a risk for you being here," he says. I hate to say it but he is right. There is a huge risk being here. With Allessandro's values he won't hesitate to sell me off. That's what I'm most worried about. I can handle being someone's punching bag. And with Allessandro I can escape. But if I'm sold, thar will be harder. The guys only have to worry about Allessandro, and probably my older brothers. But I have to worry about Allessandro ruining my life and my future. This whole thing just makes me realize even more that I need to get away. I think I'll be safe until I'm 18 though. So I'd already be gone by then. I just hope Allessandro doesn't sign my life away before then.

"Let's go," I say and get up. Santo does to. "I'll be right back, you go out to the car," he says. I nod and make my way to the car. After about 10 minutes Santo finally gets to the car throwing so shopping bags in the car. I look at him confused. "We told them we went shopping, we need some proof," he states as he starts the car and drives out of the parking lot. "Where you get them though?" I ask him. There's like 20 bags of clothes. "When we made the first plan, I bought you a bunch of clothes to store in my apartment. In case anything went wrong you could live there until we can get you out of the country. I went a little overboard because I didn't know what you'd like. So I just grabbed so of the clothes and the filled some of the bags back up because I didn't get rid of them," he says. That's so smart. I just nod and look out the window. I hope the guys don't ask to many questions.


I'm really worried for Kiera. Allessandro can do so much harm to her. My other brothers usually just follow his orders so they can't really hurt her without Allessandro's orders. What worries me most right now though is if they notice she's gotten high. Her eyes are still a bit pink. Not to badly but you can see the tint of it. And knowing my brothers they can be very observant.

And I am a little angry she got high I care about her safety and education. So knowing she got high, and at school angers me. But for her I'm willing to push that aside for her safety. If Allessandro wasn't so dangerous I would've yelled at her and told him but if he were to punish her it'd be an undeserved one. Like being locked in a cell for a night, or no food. And with the stress of getting her cleaned up I haven't yelled at her for it. I don't think I will unless she does it again. I just want her to be safe. I don't want my cousin getting lung cancer by the time she's 25 when it can be prevented.

We pull into the driveway and Kiera jets out to go inside. I guess I'll just carry the bags. Once I get inside I notice it's pretty empty in the house. That's good at least. I make it to Kiera's room and knock. I hear a faint come in and I enter. "Just dropping these off," I say and she nods. I put the bags in her closet and walk out. I think she went in the bathroom because she wasn't in her room when I left. I get to the kitchen and see Luca on his phone. He looks up and nods in recognition before he goes back to his phone. It looks like it'll be a quiet night. For now at least.

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