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Your POV.

It's been a couple... few... many... oh, I don't know, it's been some days since I've... well, lived in Host's house. (Ex/N) hasn't attempted to get me, thank God, but he's still near my apartment.

I took the couch, even though Host insisted I take his bed. 'It's much more comfortable' he said, but I didn't want to do that. Sleeping on the couch is nice and all, but the armrests make it a bit uncomfortable. Other than that, I've been sleeping good.

Well... maybe just this one night...

I get up, a pillow under my arm, and walk to Hosts' bedroom.

... no, noo... I don't wanna disturb him sleeping.

"'Come in.' The Host calls out to (Y/N)."

"O-Oh, you're awake. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"The Host chuckled. 'I wasn't asleep to begin with. I've been working on a book. Come on in, the door is open.'"

I enter, and sure enough, Host was at his desk (that I'm sure wasn't there before), writing in his book. He turned and smiled at me.

"Hi, hey... hi... um..." Fuck, he looked so cute. Host chuckles.

"'I'm sorry, forgive me for listening in on your thoughts, but thank you. I'm flattered.' The Host had a small blush on his face."

"Heh, you're welcome... um... I was wondering if it would be okay if I uh... maybe took one side of the bed? It's okay if you don't want me to."

"'Nonsense!' The Host had to laugh at that. 'Of course you can take my bed! My home is your home.'"

"Thanks, but..." How am I gonna ask him 'Thank you for the bed, but really, I just want a cuddle buddy, and the couch doesn't have enough room'?

... Nevermind, you just heard all that.

"'You can still tell me your question out loud, if itbmakes you feel a little better.' The Host gave (Y/N) a smile."

"(Y/N) returns the smile, hehe. But, um... yeah... I just want a cuddle buddy. The couch is nice and all, but it made me feel a little lonely. I sleep with a few pillows, so... yeah..." My face is red, isn't it? God, I'm embarrassing myself so much.

"'That's okay, it's just an emotional response to want a 'Cuddle Buddy'. I'll be your 'Cuddle Buddy'.' The Host closed his book and gestured towards the bed. 'It's late, so lets go to bed.'"

"O-Okay.." I put the pillow down on the bed and slid under the covers. Host went to his closet and hung up his coat, and... good LORD, what have we here?

"'Is something wrong?' The Host asks while putting a tank-top on."

"You're... I... I mean- heh, uhhh..."

" The Host tilts his head, before realising what (Y/N) had meant. 'Oh! Surprised?' He gives her a smirk, then chuckles. 'I don't always lounge around. I've been doing it lately because I'm a little worn out on stories to write.' The Host grabs a pair of sweats, and puts them on."

Oh my GOD. He's fucking ripped. I did not expect that.

I hear Host chuckle, then silence himself. "'May I join you, now?' The Host asks (Y/N), a small smile on his face."

"This is your bed, of course you can!"

"'I just want to be sure, you know. You could be pulling a little trick on me to sleep in the bed all~ by yourself.' He smirks at the silly girl, and slides into bed, a few inches away from (Y/N). 'Cuddle?'"

"Y-Yes, um... please."

I think he's narrating, but I can't focus because oh MY GOD! I feel safe with him. This is nice. This is great. You're reading my thoughts. I like this alot.

"'You're enjoying yourself, huh?' The Host gives (Y/N) a squeeze before... auhh~... 'Goodnight, (Y/N).'"


"'C'mon, (Y/N). Just take a deep breath, and relax.' The Host mumbled in her ear."

"I- I can't- W-Well... agh... okay..." I breathe in... and out... in... and out... "Goodnight, Host."

"'Goodnight, (Y/N).' He murmured..." He hugged me closer to him.


Host slightly snored. Good, he's asleep.


Lord, forgive me for what I'm about to dream tonight.

722 words.

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