Family Day

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The Vks arrived as Ben and the other princes and princesses sang their opening to Family Day. Mal had Y/n on her hip as they walked through the crowd, stopping in front of the chocolate fountain.

The act ended as Carlos handed Dude off to Evie before retreating to the chocolate fountain with Jay.

"That was so lovely." Belle complimented Ben as he walked over.

Belle sighed as the family got ready for a photo. "Oh. By the way, I have a new girlfriend." Ben told his parents suddenly.

"Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed with a fake smile and kind of a kiss-up." Belle complained, still smiling for the photo.

"Do we know your new girlfriend?" Beast asked.

"On the count of three." The photographer started to count, "One, two..."

"Well, sort of." Ben answered his dad. Before calling his girlfriend over, "Mal!"

Mal waved before pausing her conversation with Evie, "I gotta go, okay?".

Ben's parents both pulled a face before Ben removed himself from between them and walked forward a bit as Mal rushed over, Y/n still on her hip.

"Mal? Mal!" Ben noticed Y/n was still with her, "And Y/n." Y/n waved. "I wanna introduce you to my parents."

Mal hugged ben from the side, "Hey."

Ben took hold of Mal's hand, "This is Mal. Oh and Y/n. From the island. Mal's my girlfriend." Ben introduced the pair.

"Hi." Belle said shyly.

"Hi." Mal said nervously, Beast just gave a simple smile.

Ben looked at Mal and back at his parents, "I was thinking maybe she can join us for lunch."

Mal whispered to Ben, "Y/n will probably be with me."

Ben whispered back, "That's okay."

"Of course," Beast just manages to spit out, "Any friend of Ben's..."

"Um I actually came with my friends, " Mal points to the rest of the Vks.

Beast looks towards the Vks as Belle speaks, "Well, you should invite them." Carlos spots them looking over, he waves whilst eating. Evie still has Dude as she waves. Jay just gives a polite nod with chocolate all around his face, matching Carlos. "Because the more the merrier!" Belle finishes with an awkward laugh.

Mal pulls away from Ben slightly, "Yeah, I'll go grab them."

"How about a game of croquet before lunch?" Beast suggests as Mal readjusts Y/n, who was in her own world, looking at all the nature.

"Of course," Mal agrees, quickly looking at Ben.

Ben fist pumps his dad, "Game on."

Ben wraps his arm around Mal, "Have you ever played before."


"No? You will."

Y/n pouts, "Mama, the butterf'y."

Mal smiles at Y/n, "Sorry baby."

Belle falls back a bit from her shock, Beast catching her slightly.


Carlos played with Dude around the garden as Ben taught Jay to play, Evie talking with Ben's mum. Mal still held Y/n as she watched over her small group of friends.

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