Part 14

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OMFG IM SO SO SOOOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A WHILE PLZ FORGIVE MEEEE😭😭😭😭 ily all so much and I'm so sorry again, but please enjoy this off topic chapter full of some cute fluff... and this is one of those chapters not even correlated to the anime or manga itself.


 "Aghhhhhh! I'm so board" I cried as I flopped back onto my bed as I had been at the apartment, by mysel... alone... once again. I flipped over onto my side and grabbed my phone and tried calling every number saved into my phone, but no one had answered. I clicked on the last contact as it had been Megumi's. It started to ring. The ringing cared on and as I was about to hang up, he had answered.

"Hey, is everything ok y/n?" Megumi said in a worried tone. "Ya ya ya I'm fine, just board, I'm alone at the moment cau-" I cut myself off remaining that megumi didn't know that Itadori was still actually alive. "Because Gojo went out for some stuff, yup." I said, dragging on 'because'.

"Oh... well what do you want me to do then" he dead paned. "So I could talk to you, you could talk to me. I mean I haven't seen you in a good little bit so I've missed you!" I said with a sweet voice trying to get him to stay longer. "I think that's a curse... but if you are my actual sister it has been nice and quiet without you" he said, as I could practically hear the smirk from his end of the phone.

"Your mean... well~ How've you been!?" I ask Megumi. "Busy" is all he says. "Your annoying, bland, and I'd rather talk to nobara, but if Itadori were still alive I'd rather him over you all" I said with a loud 'hmph'. "Well it was quit obvious you had a crush on him when he was alive" Megumi teased, causing me to get flustered and hang up on him. And it was perfect timing since I had heard the door open, inducting that Gojo and Itadori had come back. 

"FINALLY!" I yell as I get up off my bed and run out of my room to tackle Gojo and Itadori. Gojo had dodged my tackle so I landed on Itadori. He, I, and Gojo laughed as we heard Itadori and I land on the floor with a loud thud. "I'm not sure who missed who more" Gojo laughed as I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Itadori had been telling me how bad he wanted to watch a show with you as we were driving back from nanamis office" Gojo said wiggling his eyebrows at us. I and Itadori flushes red as we both stood up and looked away from each other. "I-I was just board and lonely" I say, as I failed to not stutter.

"Uhm... we'll imma go change, s-so be back" Itadori laughed nervously as he walked to his room. I quickly looked over at Gojo with a red flushed face. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" I yell at him. He just made his casual face of 'what! What did I do!', knowing well of what he did. "Whatever your helpless." I say as I was about to walk away.

"Y/n it's obvious Itadori likes you. All he talks about while we are away is you. He needs a bit of teasing. And... go easy on him, he's had a bad day" Gojo said as he walked into his room just as Itadori had walked out of his. "What was that about?" He questioned.

"N-nothing important." I say as I start to walk over to the couch in the living room and lay down on it. Itadori picked my legs up and sat were they were previously, letting them fall onto his lap. 

(I hope they didn't hit his balls! Cause ouch! Sorry just a thought)

His head fell back as he sighed. "You ok?" I asked. He just nodded. "You sure?" I asked again. He finally looked at me and just gave me a small smile. I had just then gotten a good look at him since he had gotten back and his eyes were swollen and red. "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!" I say sitting up to look at him better.

He looked away a little as he answered my question. "Did I ever tell you about junpei?" He asked. "Once or twice I think." I said in an unsure voice. "I... I was fighting a curse today and he-" he couldn't even finish his sentence without bursting into tears. I felt horrible. "So this is why he was looking so forward to see me early"  I thought. "He what?" I asked in a calm voice.

"He was there as I was fighting this curse and... and I had to fight him, and the curse changed his shape and I..." he paused as he tried to form the right words to speack. "I had to kill him" he said in a saddened voice as he looked down and away a from me. "It's all hard to explain, it happened so quickly and I barely-" I cut him off.

"Itadori calm down, you don't need to say everything at once." I said as I cupped his face to try and comfort him. He just gave me a sad, yet thankful smile. It all felt weird. I couldn't form any words at the moment but all I could do was hug him and try my best to comfort him as best as I could. Though I was failing as he had started to cry into my shoulder.

"Itadori?" I asked. All I heard were his soft sobs as I felt his head move to the side and his breath now hitting my neck. "Ya" I heard him sniffle. "Junpei is going to be alright now, and you still have me, megumi, and nobara." I say softly as his grip on me tightened. "I know but it hurts, and I don't want to hurt one of you guys. Especially you y/n" I said now looking at me with tear filled eyes.

"Oh Itadori." I said as I wiped his tears. "You won't hurt one of us, I know you won't." I said, now cupping his face again. He just looked me in the eyes and said nothing. Without warning I felt his lips hit mine. His eyes now closed as he had closed the gap between us, a soft blush spread across his face.

It was a quick kiss, but it felt like an eternity. As he parted his lips from mine he quickly turned away from me as I did the same. "Sorry... I guess it just felt right" he said in a shy tone. "I've never heard him with such a soft tone" I thought as I could feel the blood rush to my checks.

"It's fine..." I say, but I'm pretty sure it was so quiet that he didn't hear me. Everything felt awkward now. The room was quiet, neither one of us spoke a word, so I went to stand up, but was pulled back down into a hug by Itadori. "I'm sorry, and thank you"

"You sorry for what? And thank me for what?" I asked as I had been confused since everything had just happened within a span of maybe 5 minutes. "Thanks for comforting me, and sorry for kissing you" he said as he hide his face in my shoulder. "D-don't be sorry, I was just shocked and didn't expect it"

"Oh... uhm ok then" After he said that it went quiet again. After a while he had ended up falling asleep, but I couldn't escape, as I had tried to escape his grasp but he would just tighten his grip and dig his head farther into my shoulder.

A/n: again I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I planned to post yesterday but ended up falling off my skateboard and jamming my finger/bruising it pretty good. Plus I've been busy lately as I have ended a story and started working on another. Hoped you all enjoyed.

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