who's there? - chapter 5

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My heart dropped. I was at a loss for words. I was hoping her and I could've become friends.
"Oh gosh.." I looked down at my shoes, trying to process what this guy just told me.
"The school counselors office is always open." He gave me a light smile, tipped his hat and walked away.

I was in shock, I mean who wouldn't be? Someone you just met yesterday got murdered! Her boyfriend too!
I looked for the nearest bench around and sat there. I just stared at the ground with my head hung low while playing with my fingers.
Even though, I didn't know her well at all, it still sucked to hear.
The bright sun that was once beating on my face was blocked by a tall figure. I look up and it's Stu and Tatum.

"Oh my god, Y/N! Did you hear what happened?" Tatum sat down next to me and gave me a worried look.
"Yeah." I continued to look down. Stu sat next to his girlfriend.
"Y/N, why are you sad? I mean you didn't ev-"
Stu's sentence was cut off with Tatum elbowing him in his side.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Oh my god! You open your mouth and stupidity comes out!" She hits him in the back of his head.
"I guess you're right, Stu. I didn't know her at all really. But she was nice." I was still looking down at the ground.
"It's okay, Y/N. I gotta go find Sid." Tatum gets up and gives me a dirty look before giving Stu a passionate kiss.
While he had his eyes closed, she death stared me. I felt a little sick.

Once Tatum walked off, Stu wiped his mouth.
"Ugh!" He fake gagged.
"Do you not like kisses, Stu?" I look at him and I stopped playing with my fingers. I felt calm.

"No I do, it's just that...I don't know if I should be saying this." He slid over to me. "Tate's a weird kisser. That's why I only kiss her on the cheek."
"Oh..." I shouldn't have asked because now I just feel uncomfortable.
"Well what about you, Y/N? Do you like kisses?" He leaned his face into mine a little bit which caused me to back my head a little.
"Umm...I'm not sure."
"What! What do you mean? Have you ever kissed someone?"
"No.." I felt a little ashamed. "I've been in a relationship before but I didn't allow him to touch me at all."
"What?!" Stu was really shocked for some reason. I don't get why.
"He was weird, okay?" I smile a little.

"But you let me touch you?" He seemed a little serious now.
"Yeah but you're not as weird as him." I looked back down at my shoes.
"And what about me? I am weird?" Billy popped his head out from behind me. I jumped.
"Oh no, you're not weird either." I quickly turned my head towards his and started fidgeting with my fingers more.

"Hmm..Hey Billy." Stu itched his chin and gave Billy a weird look. The almost the same look from yesterday night.
"Stu." He gave him a weird side eye and then focused back on me.

"I'm going to head to class. I'll see you in class, Stu." I got up and sped walked away. I was feeling super weird. I was kind of sad hearing the news of what happened to Casey and her boyfriend but I also felt a little warm inside.

I was lost in thought while walking and playing with my backpack end things.
After what seemed forever, I finally made it to first period English. 

Stu never came to class. I'm not sure why. I would look over at the door every 5 minutes but this time I saw someone. But this someone wasn't Stu.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice broke the classroom silence.
"Oh hello, officer." My teacher turned her attention off her grading and to the man in the doorway. "Do you need something?"

"Yes, is there a Y/N L/N in this classroom?" A wave of anxiety came over me. I didn't even do anything wrong.

"Yes there is, they're over there." I pack up my things and walk over to the officer. I start to shake the closer I get to him.
"Please follow me." I nodded my head in agreement and we walked our way over to Principle Himbry's office.

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