my love for you has no expiration date

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A/N okay i know this will seem very rushed. that's because it is.

i wanted to get to the part where hyeju gets back to school. im sorry [cry]

hyeju pov

today was the last day at the resort. it was fun i guess. i learned many things like that flamingos weren't born pink...

i had jungeun come pick me up because i don't trust ubers.

"hey!!" she said as i got in the car.

"hi" i said back. "how was your therapy?" she asked. "don't call it that. and it was nice. they are very kind" i told her.

"that's great! so do you wanna get some food? it's very late so i don't think many places are open but i can find something!" jungeun told me.

"oh no it's okay. i just want to sleep." i told her. "okay! if you do get hungry, i bought some snacks just for you yesterday!!" she said. "thank you" i replied.

when we got back to the dorm it was 12 am. "i'm going to sleep." i told her. "okay!! goodnight sleep well!" she said.

i changed my clothes very quick. i just wanted to sleep forever. i don't wanna go back to classes.

i don't wanna go back to gowon...

oh fuck

i just remembered, she sent me that text. i completely forgot about it

shit is she going to bring it up? i hope not...

time skip

i woke up to a text. it was from jungeun. it wrote "i left early to pick up some coffee. have a good day!"

she's been really nice. "you too :p" i replied.

i don't think i'm going to go to any of my actual classes. just dance which is the only class i really enjoy.

i'll just stay in the dorm and watch some tv.

i got out of my bed and took a quick shower. i changed into some shorts and my bra.

my stomach started to grumble so i decided to make some food.

i decided to make some street toast.

once it was all done i went to the couch and started eating. it was bussin bussin

gowon pov

i made it to my first class.

again... no sign of hyeju anywhere... i really do miss her.

the last time i saw her she seemed heartbroken and i can't even say sorry.

time skip

i decided to skip all my morning classes since i just wanted to sleep. after lunch i have 3 classes so at least i attended 4 instead of none...

i'm currently in my second afternoon class. i like this class. the teacher is chill. we don't really do anything honestly. i like using this class to think.

it's been one month since i last saw hyeju... what if she went missing and they didn't tell us...


now i'm scared...

is she okay??

the class ended just in time

after this class is dance but we always have a 30 minute break since dance is an extra.

i used this time to take a nap. i got yeojin to stay with me so she can wake me up.

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