Chapter 1

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It was still dark outside on November 1st 1981 when a mysterious man with a long white beard with matching hair, wrapped in purple robes appeared out of thin air outside of number four Privet drive.

He takes an unknown silver object out of one of the presumed many pockets of these robes and opens it. As he opened it the lights from the street lamps, which was the only light source, other than the moon, went out.

As he turns around, his eye catches on a small tabby cat perched on the wall of number four. This mysterious man only smiles knowingly.

"I should have known you would be here, Professor McGonagall"he speaks.

At this, the cat leaps forward and transformed from a rather small cat into a rather harsh looking women with a tight bun pulling the skin of her face taut, wearing emerald green robes.

"Are the rumours true Albus?" The Professor asks worriedly.

"I am afraid so. The good. And the bad." The man know identified as Albus answered back sadly, his small smile now fading quickly

"And the boy?" The harsh women wondered.

"Hagrids bringing them now." He answered back.

"Them?" She asked, her mind reeling with unanswered questions.

"Sirius's girl was there at the time it happened, she has also survived, just as Harry has." Albus looks to the ground sadly.

Minerva McGonagall gasped quietly as she lets what she was just told sink in before she asks her next question " You think it ....wise trust Hagrid with something as important as this?"

"I would trust Hagrid with my life, Professor." He quietly says back as the two standing in the darkness start to hear a rumbling of an engine coming from the dark sky above.

As whatever it is making the noise lands next to them they see it as a motorcycle containing quite a huge man inside.

In his large, trembling arms he holds not one but two bundles of blankets that surely belong to both of the 1 year olds.

"Ev'ning, Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall" Hagrid nods to both in greeting.

"No problems, I take it Hagrid?"

"No sir. Little tyke fell ter sleep as we was flying over Bristol. This other little one stayed awake te whole time gazing at te stars."

Hagrid steps forward and Dumbledore takes only one of the bundles into his arms at the time.

Professor McGonagall then decides to speak " Albus do you really think it best to leave him here, which these people? I've been watching them all day. Their the worst sort of muggles imaginable, they're ....."

"The only family he has." Albus retorts

"But this child will be famous, there won't be a child in our world who won't know his name...." Minerva tries again.

"Exactly, It would be enough to turn any child's head. Famous before they can walk and talk. Famous for something they won't even remember. No, he'll be much better growing up away from all that."Dumbledore reasons.

Dumbledore then decides it was time and lays the child in his arms on front door step of the house they've been outside of for some time. During this time they look in Hagrids direction as they hear the huge man start to sniffle.

"There, there Hagrid. It's not really good bye after all."

As Hagrid nods, Dumbledore takes one last look at the completely unharmed litte boy. " Good luck, Harry Potter"

Professor McGonagall then realises something.

"Albus...but what about little Caoimhe?"she asks

"I shall take care of that myself."he explains


A pop is heard into the night as Professor Dumbledore leaves Number four and appears outside of an orphanage that Albus finds himself to be quite familiar with.

As he approaches Wools Orhpanage he becomes quite taken back when a bird, a peregrine falcon to be exact, swoops down in front of him and to even more of a shock, turns into a lady dressed in dark old fashioned clothing.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."the women states.

"Good evening"he replies but holds the baby in his arms just a tad tighter in worry.

"My name is Miss Alma Perigrine and I am here to bring that child in your arms to my loop." She gets straight to the point.

"Oh."Albus blurts out in shock. "And what is a loop"

As Miss Peregrine explains, Dumbledore looks on in confusion about how the wizarding world knows absolutely nothing of the peculiars.

After he makes sure the women is telling the truth by using legimens, he hands the little girl, with a deep lightning mark wound on her forehead, over to the seemingly trustworthy women.

She then walks away into the darkness of the night, holding a baby wrapped in blankets, never to be seen again in the wizarding world for many years to come......


It's Always Goodbye              -H.P-MPHFPC-NARNIA-  *Prince Caspian*Where stories live. Discover now