Eggman the wingman - (Boom) Sonic x reader

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((Welcome,,, here's the first one. I really liked this idea and it was super easy to write this. Beta'd by my friend JamesMadison-sneeze- hehe.

Art is mine, just ignore Sonic's lack of legs. I gave up. I can't draw leGS-- (omg the pic is sideways) ))

"Well, don't you look like you're in a stellar mood?"

"Sup." You flicked your wrist in the direction of the villainous Eggman, before placing the palm of that hand right back under your chin.

Said villain blinked once or twice (not that you could see it), and he sat down next to you on your log. "Alright, spill it."

You turn your head, brows furrowed. "What?"

"What?? Just because I'm your greatest enemy, doesn't mean I can't be your friend!

You squint at him in utter 'what the fuck', but sigh and take a deep breath anyways, pinching the bridge of your nose. "You tell anyone and I can guarantee you'll never have the ability to make another robot so long as you live."

Eggman let's out a 'sheesh' as he places a hand to his heart, and throws the other in the air. "You have my word."

Great. The word of a villain. How honorable.

"Fine, okay. I don't have anyone else anyways." You sigh again and push your gloved hands through your fur. "I have a stupidly embarrassing crush on a stupidly adorable blue hedgehog, and I can't bring myself to say anything about it, so I'm completely suffering in silence. Especially when he looks at me the way he does sometimes."

"Oh," Eggman let out a light wheeze. "Ohohoho, that's gold." He chuckled.

"Shut up, I did not ask you to make fun of me."

"I'm not, I'm not! Just honestly quite shocked! A pretty lady like you? Falling for someone like Soni-"

"Blue hedgehog." You corrected, your muzzle flushing a bright red. "Nobody needs to know."

"Okay, so, where are the other blue hedgehogs, because I only know one." Eggman deadpanned, and you just gave him a glare. "Anyways, I'm not quite sure if you were asking for advice, but I completely encourage you to give confessing to the blue goon a try!"

"Yeah, you would say that." You went back to the position you were in when Eggman found you, a light huff escaping your lips. "You don't know how hard that is when the person you're into is cool and confident with sarcasm levels piling into next tomorrow."

"Nope, I don't." Eggman gave you a hard smack on the back, and you choked in surprise. "Nothing else you can do, though. Bottling your emotions certainly isn't good for you, and I'm not looking for a half-assed fight."

"Of course." Grabbing your knees, you stood from your spot and stretched. "Fine. I'll think about it. Maybe lay out a plan. No promises."

"Fantastic!! Tell me how it goesss!!" Eggman stood as well and hopped into his eggmobile, speeding off just as quickly as he'd arrived.

You groaned, and made the walk all the way back home.

The next time Eggman saw you, he could tell you didn't do shit, because he watched as you stumbled anytime Sonic shouted directions at you. No matter how smooth you were as you jumped and slid to destroy robots, Sonic giving you direct actions to carry out made you stumble and falter.

That, and how the two of you made no indication of being closer. And goddamnit, he told you he didn't want a half-assed fight!

He sent you a knowing glare when the gang was distracted, and you shrugged, looking nervous.

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