Asset Assisted - (Boom) Sonic x Reader

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((Hi it's me again.))

You felt your heart drop and you let out a yelp as your foot caught on something, sending you crashing into the ground in front of you. Unfortunately, since the ground in front of you was at a lower level, and the fall you took was pretty hard, your body felt like it was in more pain than usual.

Stunned, you laid there for a moment, hands harshly dug into the dirt and stinging violently.

Nearby, Sonic realized you weren't near him anymore (and by near him, he meant at least 10 feet behind him. He slowed down so you could somewhat keep up. Isn't that sweet?)

"Uh oh." Sonic quickly backtracked, and found you curled up in the dirt, tears pricking your eyes. "Oh shit, y/n, are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Uhm, just give me a moment to gather myself."

Sonic nodded, and went to sit down next to you. His gaze traveled all over, but landed on your leg.

"Hey, uh... your leg looks pretty messed up... you sure you're alright?"

"I'm good, don't worry." You replied quickly, gripping your quickly bruising leg with your scraped hands.

Sonic sighed, standing up. "I can help, y'know."

You finally took it upon yourself to stand up, but you yelp again as your weight presses down on your leg. You go pretty much limp, and Sonic catches you in his arms. "Y/n, I'm taking you home and getting someone to look at your leg."

"No no, I'm fine, I just gotta walk it off- Hey!!"

Sonic lifted you into his arms, making sure you were good and secure and comfortable. "I'm taking you home. No exceptions."

You huffed, but didn't say anything else. Your leg did hurt and if you were being honest, you really just wanted to lay on the ground and accept your fate. So, you let Sonic take you home. He sped off towards your house, slightly jumbling your injured leg in the process, but you wouldn't tell him that.

As Sonic placed you on your bed the adrenaline started wearing off and fuck. If you couldn't feel your injuries before, you certainly could now.

"I'm gonna go grab Tails and Amy, okay? Don't go anywhere."

You had no time to reply as Sonic sped off again, leaving you alone in your house. God, your hands hurt.

Sonic returned not too long after, Tails right behind him, carrying Amy as he flew.

"My goodness, you really did get all messed up." Amy commented, racing over to gently press an ice pack to your knee. You hissed, and tightly gripped the sheets of your bed.

Damnit. You were stronger than this, what the hell?

Tails zipped over and pulled out some sort of device. He pressed a button and it expanded, revealing what you assumed was an x-ray. He took a couple pictures of your knee, and looked them over, sucking in a breath.

"Yeah, I expected this." Tails muttered, closing up his x-ray. "Alright, it isn't super bad. You've chipped the bone in your knee."

You let out a small whimper, and Amy lightly petted your head. "You probably won't be able to walk properly for a couple of weeks. I strongly recommend crutches and a lot of rest." Tails said, taking out some bandages. "Since it's a small break, it won't take as long to heal. However, since it's your knee, it'll take longer than say... a finger. You should be able to start walking again in 3-4 weeks." Tails gently wrapped some bandages around your knee, keeping it a bit tight so your knee wouldn't go anywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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