Chapter 6

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Jules' POV:

Um yeah not my idea to go with one of them, but I guess if I wanted to go shopping I had to.

"Where do you want to go?" Louis asked me. He may be annoying, but I've heard he has a great style and looks really hot without a shirt on. I don't care if I hate him; he is still hot without a shirt.

"I have no idea... Is there a Charlotte Russe around here?"

"Yeah there's one right up ahead."

He pulled into the parking lot right in front of the big store. Not an outlet but an actual store! I couldn't wait!

"Never been in one of these..." Lou mumbles to himself, but I heard him loud and clear.

"Well it's my favorite store so I'll be spending awhile in here." We walked inside and my mouth just dropped. Two floors of Charlotte Russe all for me to shop in. Time to make a dent in the $1000 I have.

After about 30 minutes Lou and I both had our arms full of things I wanted. I made him come to the dressing room area so I could try it all on. I decided to put him through some torture and make it a fashion show.

Louis' POV:

We've only been in here 30 minutes and I feel like I'm in hell. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping, but I like GUY clothes. Now she is doing a little fashion show thing just to bug me. Her dad really owes me for this one. I mean she's not a bad girl, but she still hates me so why don't I just hate her back.

"How do I look?" She asks me. She looked drop dead beautiful. The blue shirt really made her eyes pop and the white jeans made her legs look fantastic.

"It looks fine," I mumble. She looked a lot better than fine, but I'm trying to hate her back which wasn't very easy when she is gorgeous. I need to stop saying that. I have a GIRLFRIEND. Yes Lou, you have a girlfriend now stop drooling over some girl who hates you already.

"I think I look great so I'm going to get it,"

After about 2 1/2 hours in that store, we finally left. I felt like I was slowly dying in there. I couldn't get how pretty Jules was out of my head though. I'm pretty sure she saw me hit my head against my hand and smack myself a couple times. I meant to slap myself mentally, but I guess I actually did it. Hopefully she just thought I was bored.

"Now do we need to go anywhere else Princess?"


"Yeah, since you're like royalty. You're the daughter of a millionaire who is my boss. So you're like a princess."

"Okay... Anyway, how about something to eat?"

"Sounds good to me"

We rode in silence for a couple minutes before I finally spoke up.

"Um I just wanted to say sorry for running around practically naked in front of you earlier. The lads and I aren't really used to their being girls in the studio..."

"It's fine let's just not talk about it... How about we go there to eat?"

McDonalds, yum.


I pull up into a parking spot and we both hop out. Once inside we both place our orders, grab our food and sit down.

"So I'm assuming you're staying in L.A. and your dad didn't give you a ticket home?"

"Yeah because I need to spend some 'quality time' with my father even though I would rather not."

"He's not a bad guy. Just because you have to work with five lads you hate doesn't mean you should hate your father. He's trying to get along with you the best he can."

We pretty much just ate in silence the rest of the time. Then she was done shopping and we went back to the studio.

Jules' POV:

I was happy that I at least got to shop, but Lou was a pain in the ass. While we were in CR, he kept hitting himself. It was weird. Now we are back at the hell hole where there are 5 guys I don't like instead of one. I wander over to my dad's office and see him on the phone so I just take a seat and drop all my bags on the floor.

"Hey Jules. How was shopping?"

"Pretty good. I got a lot of things, but I only went to Charlotte Russe."

"Well as long as you got to spend your money."

"Yeah... so what do you need me to do?"

"I don't need you to do anything. I'm about to go to a meeting  with One Direction so I doubt you want to come to that. You can go hang out at the beach for the rest of the day if you want."

"Sweet. Thanks Dad!" I rush over and give him a quick hug before I grab the rest of my bags and rush out of his office.

Once I reached my apartment my phone started to ring. I looked at it to see that Cailey was calling. I quickly answered and put her on speaker as I looked through my clothes.

"Hey Jules! How's L.A. treatin ya?"

"Depends. The city is great, but I have to work with One Direction so it sucks."

"You are like one of the only girls who hates them"

"I know, but I just can't stand them." We continued talking for long enough for me to pick out a cute VS bathing suit and some colorful shorts and a crop top. I said my goodbye to Cailey then headed out the door to go to the beach.

I decided to walk since it was only a couple blocks from me. It felt great outside. The breeze was perfect and I was ready to get a tan on. I arrived at the beach to see it was pretty busy, but still fun. I couldn't wait. I laid out my chair and took of my shorts and shirt to tan. It was perfect. This is how I wanted to spend my summer unitl a shadow appeared above me ruining my sunshine.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" the boy asked. He wasn't very tall for a guy and looked awfully familar.

"Nope, go right ahead just don't get in the way of my sun." He chuckled at that. Weird kid.

"So what brings you to L.A.?"

'My father. He owns a company here and I'm stuck here for the summer with him. How did you know that I don't live here?"

"Your accent. It's a southern country one."

"Yeah, so is yours so what are you doing here?"

"I'm here on some business."

"Business for what?"


"Oh that's cool. So what's your name?" He didn't reply. Instead he took off his sunglasses and hat. "Wait, you're..."

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