Chapter 1

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I hope you guys really like this story. I couldn't really think much for my other story, but I will still try to work on both at the same time!:) If you have an suggestions or criticism for either story, feel free to comment! Hope you enjoy:)


Jules POV:

"Raider Nation. Raider Nation. Raider Nation. Raider Nation. Raider Nation," the crowd chants while leaning forwards and backwards to the tune. Not every day does a school have so much spirit, but it was football season. It was that time of year where Creekview High school is the most energetic. Yes, we are the Raiders. No one is exactly sure what a Raider is, but that doesn't matter to us. We give everything we got during football season. Tonight happened to be one of the biggest games of the season. Not competitive wise, but school wise. It was rednecks against rednecks as most called it. Creekview against Martin High. And now here come the chants. Our school is known for our student section.

"I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win!" the Creekview student section shouts, jumping up and down on the bleachers. If you stood to the side of the bleachers, you could see the bleachers moving up and down to the beat of the students’ chants.

"This is our house!" Martin High shouts.

"This is our house!" we shout with our hands doing fist pumps.

"This is our house!" Martin High screams and the chants go back and forth for the rest of them game.


"Jules! Are you coming to Michael's party?" my best friend, Cailey, calls over to me and asks.

"Why wouldn't I go? He's my boyfriend stupid!" I shout over the screams from all the students cheering the football team. Michael and I have been an item since school started. We were practically inseparable.

"You never know! I'll see you there." Cailey shouts to me.

I walk over to the sweaty football players. Michael was one of the star players being a senior so he was in the front.

"Hey babe! What did you think of the game?" Michael asks.

"I loved it! You played great out there tonight." I reply while he hugs and kisses me on the forehead.

"Good, ready to party tonight?"

"When am I not ready?"

"Let's get out of here and head back to my place"

"Okay, let's go then"

"Oh, and hold on. I have one last thing to say." he told me. "All Raider seniors are welcomed to my house for party!"

Of course he had to make the announcement so more people would come over. It didn't bother me though. When he and I wanted to be alone, we were left alone.


"Raider Nation all the way baby!" Michael shouts to everyone who is holding a cup on beer.

"Raider Nation" everyone replies and takes a sip of their drink.

The song "Red Solo Cup" starts to play on the radio. It made me chuckle since we were all drinking out of a Red Solo cup. It was true, they were perfect for holding beer.

"Hey Jules, check it out." Cailey says while pointing at Zoey. Zoey was making out with Dylan in the corner.

"Hey Zoey! Watch the PDA!" I shout to Zoey. Her face turned bright red and she walked away from Dylan. She started walking towards Cailey and I.

"Fuck you Jules" she says.

"What I was just stating how I felt. Nothing's wrong with that."

"Jules, how about you come dance with me" Michael slurs. He wasn't the most sober person at the moment, but that didn't bother me.

"I would love to babe."

We started to dance. It wasn't the easiest thing since neither of us were 100% sober, but it was fun. The senior class of 116 students was all dancing together to the beat of the soft music.


It is now after graduation and summer had officially started. In a town the size of mine, no one really went to a big collage. Most of us just went to the community college in the town next to ours.

"What do you mean I'm going to be with dad all summer?!?" I screamed at my mom. My parents separated when I wasn't even two yet. He moved to some big city and makes a ton of money doing something.

"You are going to spend some time with your father since you haven't really gotten to know him"

"I know him plenty. He left us and has visited us twice. He's a douche."

"Don't call your father that. Look he wanted us to keep our small town life that we live while he took up  a job offer."

"I don't care. I'm not going."

"Yes you are. You're flight leaves tomorrow at 3:00 and I'm taking you so we have to be out of here at 10:00. So pack now."

"Fine, I'll go pack. Where does he live anyway?"

"Los Angeles. So pack clothes light clothes."

"Got it. So does that mean I can go to the beach?"

"Yeah probably some."

"Sweet!" I said while running up to my room.

I started throwing all sorts of clothes on my bed. Jeans, shorts, cowgirl boots, bras, underwear, ect. I still wasn't too happy about leaving my friends for the whole summer and my boyfriend, but I was still excited for Los Angeles. I started to text all my friends telling them what I had to do.  Most were fine with it saying stuff like "Good Luck!", "Meet cute guys!", and  "Have fun". Even Michael told me to have a good time.

After about 3 hours, I was completely packed. I had 20 shirts, 4 pairs of jeans, 11 shorts, 3 capris, 7 cardigans, 14 pairs of underwear, plenty of socks, 9 bras, and more shoes than I knew what to do with. I even had my outfit for tomorrow out. It was around 11 so I decided to go to bed. All night I dreamed of good and bad things about L.A.

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