Chapter 5

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Liam's POV:

"Wait did she just say what I think she said?" Niall spits out.

"I think so..." Harry mumbles.

Did she just say that it wasn't our music she hates?

"That only means one thing then." Niall adds.

"Yeah.... She hates us." Lou whispers.

What did we do to her? I was determined to find out.

"I'll be back lads." I say while running out the door. I spot Jules looking at a poster on the wall not far ahead of me.


"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you."

"After what I just said?"

"Yeah well it's about what you said."

"Okay then shoot.." she says. I look at her straight in the eyes. I could see the anger in them. They weren't soft and sweet looking. She looked like she wanted to rip my head off at the moment. Better make this quick.

"What did we do to get you to hate us?" I say. I used the straightest face I had and stared back into her eyes. I felt like they were eating me alive while she was waiting to respond. They looked so cold and dark.

"Hate is such a strong word. More like I don't want to be friends or socialize with five gay guys. I don't care to listen to you say 'we aren't gay!’ I think what I think and that's that. You boys are just another stuck up boy band that likes to play with girls' hearts."

"We aren't stuck up. And we definitely don't mess with our fans hearts."

"Oh really? I did some research on you boys last night. You tell all your fans that they are all beautiful and none are ugly. That they are all equally beautiful in their own ways then at signings you rate each girl on how pretty they are. You whisper to each other what you would rate the girl. That's just sick."

She was right. We did do that. I never really thought it was that bad.

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go back to my dad's office and beg for him to give me a ticket home."

Before I could even say anything she was already past me storming down the hall with those cold dark blue eyes that were staring into my soul even if she wasn't looking at me.

Harry's POV:

"I wonder how Liam is doing talking to Jules." I say.

"I doubt he is getting anywhere." Lou mutters. Liam just walked into the room.

"How did it go? Why does she hate us? Is it something we did?" Niall quizzes him.

"Kind of..." Liam mumbles.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asks.

"She said she doesn't want to even talk to a stuck up boy band that messes with their fans hearts." Liam says.

"We aren't stuck up! And we don't do that!" Lou says.

"We do though. We tell all our fans that they are beautiful then we rate them behind their backs at signings." Liam states. He's right. We do do that.

Jules' POV:

I can’t believe I actually just told Liam Payne that. He kept staring into my eyes I guess trying to look for answers. I hope all he got was that I am pissed. In the meantime I had stormed downstairs into my dad's office.

"Oh hi Jules. Need anything?"

"A plane ticket home."

"I'm sorry Jules, but I can't do that. I promised your mother that you were going to stay here all summer."

"Then can I just have fun and not work with One Direction?"

"No, you are working with them."

"No, I'm not. You don't get it. I hate them."

"No you don't. You're just overreacting."

"How would you know if I was overreacting? You weren't there for me the past 17 years? You finally show up by forcing me to come here the summer after I just graduated High School! You weren't there like all my friends’ dad's giving speeches about the guy I'm dating. You weren't there for me to be a daddy's girl when I'm fighting with mom. You weren't there to watch me go to prom. You weren't there for me what so ever!" I scream. Tears are streaming down my face. My makeup is a wreck.

"I know. I regret every bit of it, but I don't want to fight about it. I love you and I did what I thought was best for you and your mother. I still supported you over the years. How about take this and go shopping the rest of the day?" he says, handing me a credit card.

"Whose is this?"

"Yours. Right now it has $1000 to start you off with while your here. Every day you work, more will be added. I need to spoil my daughter since I haven't been able to the past 17 years."

"Thanks dad."

"But I have one rule and I'm sorry for this."


"Take one boy from One Direction to go shopping with you since they know their way around."

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