Chapter 26

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I fall asleep before Cheryl comes to bed, and wake up a little when I feel her moving around behind me. She doesn't do anything or say anything. She just lies down and soon her breathing evens out, so I go back to sleep too.

I awake again at about four in the morning, and for a few seconds I wonder why. Then I feel her behind me, jerking around restlessly, and moaning. I sit up straight away, any feeling of tiredness evaporating, and move closer to her. Her face is scrunched up, and she looks in pain.

'Nnnooooo... no, please...'

'Cheryl. Babe, wake up. Cheryl! Wake up!' Cheryl's eyes snap open and she squints up at me. 'Kim? What's wrong?'

'Nothing, you were dreaming again.'

'Oh. Sorry.'

'Are you okay?'

'Yeah. Sorry I woke you.' Cheryl murmurs, turning over and closing her eyes again.

'Cheryl, come on, don't be like that.'

'Like what.'

'Talk to me.'

'I'll talk to you in the morning.'

'It is morning.' I argue.

'Not properly morning. Go back to sleep.'

'No! Cheryl, please...'

'What, Kim?!' Cheryl groans, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, scowling.

'What were you dreaming about?'

'I can't remember now.'

'Don't lie, Cheryl.'

Cheryl looks me straight in the eye. 'Ashley. I was dreaming about Ashley.'

'What're you dreaming about him for?!'

'It's me subconscious mind Kim, I can't choose what to dream about!' Cheryl says irritably. We just look at each other for a minute. 'Why are you lookin' at us like that?'

'Did I scare you that much last night that I reminded you of him?' I whisper.

It has literally only just hit me why Cheryl was so angry with the way I acted last night. Of course violence isn't going to sit well with her, in any way, after she lived with it, faced it from the man she loved, and who cost her her child.

'Oh, Cheryl... I didn't even think. I'm so sorry.'

I raise my hand to her face and she leans into my palm, closing her eyes. 'It's not that, babe.'

'Then what?'

Cheryl sighs. 'Okay... maybe it was a tiny little bit.'

I can't believe how vulnerable she looks just then. 'Cheryl, I didn't mean... Can I give you a cuddle?'

Cheryl smiles. 'Yes please.'

Once she is in my arms, I let my eyes fill with tears. 'I'm so, so sorry baby.'

'No, Kim don't. I'm sorry, I overreacted...'

'No, I did. I just... when I saw him reach out for you, I just flipped out. I don't know why... I should've just ignored him...'

'It's alright, Kim. Forget it.'

'But... you're mad at me.'

'I'm not.' Cheryl whispers, tightening her grip around my waist. 'I was... but I'm not now. I understand, honestly. You've got a temper on you though!' Cheryl giggles, but I don't respond to her attempt to lighten the mood.

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