Chapter 40

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Late the next morning, I wake Cheryl up by gently kissing the exposed skin of her neck. Gary and Joan have gone out "shopping", but judging by Gary's not-so-subtle wink before they left, they just want to give me and Cheryl some time alone.

'No. More sleep. Too early.' Cheryl mutters.

'Cheryl it's gone eleven.' I giggle. 'And your bandages need changing soon.'

'Nooo, more sleep.'

'I've ran you a bath...' I whisper slowly. 'With candles... and there's a nice cup of coffee waiting for you in there too.'

Cheryl finally opens her eyes and rolls over towards me. 'What've you done that for?'

'Cos I want to look after you, you fool. Does that mean you're gonna get up?'

'Okay.' Cheryl groans. She stretches out like a cat, then gasps in pain and her hand flies to her left under her arm, where there are stitches. 'Hey, be careful!'

'I've changed me mind.' Cheryl scowls. 'I'm glad you clocked that pap. This f*ckin' hurts.'

'Not funny.' I roll my eyes. 'C'mere, hold on to me, I'll help you.'


'This feels weird.' Cheryl giggles as she slides amongst the vast amount of bubbles in the steaming bath. She smiles around at the candles dotted around the room, then looks to me, stood rolling my sleeves up. 'You not getting in with us?' she pouts.

'No babe, I might hurt you.' I laugh. I move behind her. 'Just relax. Put your head back for me.'

Cheryl closes her eyes with a contented sigh as I start washing her hair. 'I used to hate this when I was a kid.'

'What, having a bath? You filthy animal.'

'No, you cheeky--! Having me hair washed. Me mam used to be dead rough and I'd end up crying. Or I'd cry before because I knew what was coming.'

'Aaah, bless you! Don't worry I'll be gentle.'

'If you get soap in me eye I'll kill you.'

'You'll have to catch me first.'

We fall into a comfortable silence, Cheryl sipping her coffee contently. 'I think I can hear your phone babe.' Cheryl says suddenly, sitting up.

'Oh, never mind leave it.'

'What if it's important?'

'It won't be.'

'How d'you know if you don't answer?'

'Cheryl, it'll either be Adam, and he can ring me back any time. Or Kate, who can also ring me back any time. Or at a push, my mother, who I wouldn't answer to anyway. So it's fine.'

'Oh, that feels so good.' Cheryl sighs as I gently rub her shoulder. I smile and keep going. 'You sure I'm not hurting you?'

'No, it feels amazing.... Ooohhhh yeah do it harder there.... Yeah, there! Harder...'

My dirty mind kicks in and I start laughing quietly. Cheryl turns her head, frowning. 'You laughing at us?'

'N-no.' I manage to say before bursting into giggles again.

'Is someone a bit sexually frustrated?' Cheryl says, joining me in laughter.

'I think that's you, gorgeous.' I say, planting a kiss on her wet head.

'I wish we could... you know. It seems ages since we... you know.'

I burst out laughing. 'You are allowed to say it, Cheryl. And there's no reason why we can't...'

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