-Chapter 5:enemies or rivals-

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 -The start of the enemies to friends arc-

She leaves the dead person here and ignores it. She couldn't stop thinking of what she has done to the person, she just murdered them. When she got to the place, she sees Hank fighting an mysterious zombie clown looking by the name of Tricky.

She was too scared to interuppt his fight so she has to ignore him fighting. "I gotta stop thinking about it, if I will interrupted them, one of them will kill me since I'm just an weakling....maybe I will just watch them fighting.." she steps fowards a bit just to watch. Tricky nearly gonna gave up but he realises that Y/N was watching them fight. Y/N hides because Tricky was looking at her far away. "WHO IS THAT LADY...I NEVER SEEN ANY WOMEN IN NEVADA, MAYBE I CAN INTRODUCE HER TO MYSELF" he thought to himself in his mind.He really wanna run up to her, end her but Hank really wanna stop Tricky for running to her by shooting his head with an pistol.

Y/N has to run away from them because she was scared to encounter them. "I swear that it's the girl who am I looking for.." Hank thought to himself. He runs after Y/N. "There you are Y/N!" he yelled. Y/N has nowhere to go because she stopped on the dead end but turns around to Hank as he is nearly approaching her. "Look, I know that you are scared of me Y/N but" he pulls up a gun and points at her. "Let see if your stronger enough to fight me...you've been alot of training because of shireff and Jebidah so, don't be such an sissy to fight me Y/N.." He said it with his tone. "If you want yourself to be killed by me, then enjoy being with your dead parents" he sneered by getting ready to pull the trigger."Huh..how does he knows about my dead parents..??" she thought to herself but  Y/N has no idea how she will attack him. She realises that she got the gun in her pockets that was filled with ammo that she haven't use. She gets so many flashbacks about her past but she ignores it and pulls her gun and points at him, she doesn't feel scared at him anymore.

"Woah lady, your getting a bit better for not fearing me.." he responded to her. She was getting ready to pull the trigger too. "Well....it'll be a fair fight between you and me, fucker..... let's begin, shall we..?" she pulled the trigger to shoot him but Hank dodges the bullet with his sword. Hank attends to attack her but Y/N tries to dodge for the first time by kicking his weapon. "Oh...It wasn't that bad after all since these days.." she thought. Hank picks up his weapon and stabs her while she didn't realise. "H-huh...." she stuttered a bit as Hank pulls out his weapon. "Pathtic, you can just shoot and dodge...can't you at least learn how to use your weapon...?" Hank takes out his weapon where he stabbed her in. "I-I can't give up...I need..my chance to...fight.." she thought to herself but she couldn't stand up but knows that he stabbed her in the back. Y/N picks up her gun and tries to shoot Hank but she misses the shot. Hank stomps her back with 1 foot. "Jeez, your giving up that quick Y/N, your trainers are fucking useless anyways.." he stomped her back very loud as Y/N screams in pain. "Keep screaming in agony, nobody is not  gonna save you this time.." Hank said as he stomped on her one more time. 

The truck appeared to them, it was Sanford and Deimos trying to meet up with Hank again. Y/N was too scared to move because she thinks that the trios will kill her. "Hank, like we said, we couldn't end her, doc knows her for being a detective, looking to find the murderer" Sanford remarked it as an answer. "An detective you say...her parents are already fucking dead....how can she find her  "culprit" if she doesn't know who the fuck did." He demanded to him. Them 2 were arguing until Deimos breaks them up in a fight. "GUYS, CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" he shouted. "We better get going before those damn agency will kick our asses up if we keep arguing." Hank sighs. "Alright....Sanford, grab Y/N." he ordered to him. Sanford picked Y/N up and puts her on his shoulder.

As soon Y/N's vision starts being blurry, she closed her eyes as soon she passed out..

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