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Sorry for any mistakes loves 🤍

Sorry for any mistakes loves 🤍

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Toni POV:

I'm Toni Braxton, I'm 22 years old who was born in Maryland. My family and I don't really talk anymore, since I ran off with my abusive boyfriend, 6 years ago, at the age of 16 when he was 24 but then he was murdered...

But anyways, I enjoy drinking and lighting up a blunt from time to time. I'm bipolar but I'm a nice woman I think. People are shocked when I tell them about me because they say I don't look it until the be around me... Me and my best friend Whitney got a place together when we turned 18, and we're still staying together. We have a neighbor named Mariah who was living here before we did. That caused me and her to get closer over the years, Whitney and her... never seemed to get along though. Mariah came around for me cause she knew they were all I had.

Mariah: "girl you is so messed up"

I was laying on this cold bathroom floor on my stomach with nothing on but my bra and panties trying to avoid throwing up. I was clearly drunk and also a bit high I should add. Mariah was standing in front of the bathroom mirror that was above the sink singing and my bestfriend Whitney who was standing behind her, swaying her hips to the song playing from the living room.

I cringe to my friends as they wasn't that effected by the alcohol they had drunk. I mean I should have known better, I am the lightweight out of us three and I thought it was a bright idea to drink more than I knew I could handle. As I was struggling a bit to get up from the floor, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. Mariah rushes over to me wrapping her arm around my arm, helping me keep my balance.

Toni: "I'm not that fucked up you guys"

Mariah: "right boo"

Mariah said sarcastically making herself laugh.

Toni: "I want my bed"

I'm guessing with my words all slurred, made her laugh even harder. Mariah nods before helping me to my bedroom, then she helps me underneath the covers. And being such a good friend she is, she even tucks me in. She was about to walk away but I grab her wrist, then I look up at her smiling. She knew what I was asking for, I always needed a lot of affection when I'm drunk or high. Mariah shakes her head with a smile on her face before kissing my right cheek.

Mariah: "now get some rest T"

She said as she walks out the room, closing the door behind her. I roll over on my side and stared out the window at Mariah's, watching the reflection behind the curtains move over as I dozed off.

I was woken up with intense barking outside. I let out a loud groan as I rolled out of bed and successfully catching myself instead of falling face first or on my back on the floor, like most days. I made my way into the bathroom slowly, closing the door behind me. I started the shower and pulled off my bra and panties and threw them in the bin then got in.

The water hitting me in my face, caused me to wake up a bit more. After my shower, I brushed my teeth then got dressed and everything. I made my way to the kitchen finding a note and a bottle of painkillers on the table, I picked it up and read it. "Hey sleepy head. Whitney left lastnight so I  brought over some breakfast since I knew she wouldn't be back by the time you got up, come see me later when I get off. love you lots. - M" I didn't notice I was smiling at the note until I placed it back on the kitchen table.

I opened the microwave finding the plate. It was still warm so I'm guessing she hasn't been to long left. I looked at the stove and read the time {10:17 am}. As I was eating, I heard the intense barking again coming from outside again, I got me a painkiller out the bottle before I got up and threw my plate away and got the apple juice from the fridge. I got me a glass cup from the cabinet and poured me some. I took the pill with the juice before walking outside. The sun hit my skin that was showing a good bit today.

I sat down on the steps drinking from my cup when out of no where a dog comes running over my way. Of course I started panicking, I jumped up from the step but before I could open the door, I hear "she's not going to hurt you!"

Hope y'all like how it's starting🖤

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