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Sorry for any mistakes loves 🤍

Toni POV:

??: "she's not going to hurt you!"

I moved from the door slowly and took my place back on the steps. The dog just stared up at me as it sat on the grass, facing me. I mean the dog was adorable and all but it was still a dog... I looked up seeing the woman up close now. She looked very bea- nice. Without paying me any mind she squats down beside the dog and pets it's head.

Toni: "how do you know he's not gonna hurt me exactly"

??: "you're Toni right?"

Toni: "yeah and you are?"

I already knew she was the woman who moved in with Mariah not to long ago but I wanted to be a smart ass clearly. And with her and this dog ruining my me time, kind of made me feel like she deserved it.

Janet: "I'm Janet, I heard a lot about you and I'm sure you know exactly who I am"

She finally looks up and stares at me a bit when she noticed I didn't say anything.

Janet: "it's a she by the way"

Toni: "what?"

Janet: "you said he... my baby is a female"

She says as she stands up and the dog does as well. With her eyes not leaving me not once as she did, made me a bit uneasy.

Janet: "you're welcome for you know... break-"

Toni: "you know what, I really don't want to be bothered right now"

Janet: "I understand, it was nice finally meeting you"

I'm sure my face expression wasn't as polite but she gives me a smile anyways before she turned around and made her way back over to her and Mariah's house and the dog followed close behind her. I made my way back inside the house and went over to the kitchen where I placed the glass cup in the sink. Then I went over and sat on the couch that was in the living room.

I notice my phone next to me and I picked it up, seeing miss calls from Whitney. I didn't bother calling her back, I just went on Instagram. Out of curiosity, I went to the search bar but stops me, is a friend request notification from "@JanetJackson". I accepted it before scrolling and practically being weird, it was mainly just her and her dog though. I hear the door open causing me to turn around seeing Whitney.

Whitney: "cute"

I noticed the note from Mariah earlier was in her hands that I forgot to throw away. She looked over at me with an agitated expression on her face. Whitney has always been the type of friend who don't like sharing their friends but has other friends theirselves. With her and Mariah only being my friends, I never understood why she was that way. 

Toni: " I don't see you with food for me in your hands and you know I can't cook"

I said jokingly. Whitney rolled her eyes and went into the fridge grabbing her a soda. My eyes follow her as she walks over and sits next to me.

Whitney: "who's that?"

I glance back down at my screen where I see the picture of Janet in a bikini posed in front a bathroom mirror. She then snatched my phone looking closely at the picture.

Whitney: "she's pretty."

Toni: "that's the women who moved in with Mar-"

Whitney: " she looks like a witch"

I roll my eyes to Whitney's nonsense. I snatch my phone back and give the picture another glance before locking my phone.

Toni: "you don't even know her"

Whitney: "and neither do you but she seems like she thinks she's all that, with that ugly ass dog if hers"

She says causing me to get a bit mad. I get up from the couch and walk over to the door but before I could open it Whitney says something which causes my blood to boil even more than it already was.

Whitney: "going over to see Janet... hope she puts a spell on you"

"Maybe she already has" I thought to myself as I walk out slamming the door behind me. After a few knocks on Mariah door I stood their with tears streaming down my face. Then I hear the familiar bark from inside. Then the door swings open and I see Whitney.

Whitney: "girl what happened this time?"


Janet's dog^

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Janet's dog^
Chileeee😭 .
I know it's pretty early to ask this but what y'all think about Whitney?

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