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Sorry for any mistakes loves 🤍

Janet POV:

I'm Janet Jackson, I'm 23 years old who was born and raised here in Gary Indiana. I moved in with my friend who is like a sister to me, literally so blessed to have her. My real sisters, Rebbie and Latoya moved away and hasn't seen them in 6 years because of the fight they had with our parents, I was of course the baby and favorite child... so that's why, I've moved all the way here when it got to much with my parents putting me in the middle and to get away from my ugly past.

I'm not as perfect as people think I am. I have a past that still haunts me till this day. I've been through hell pretty much all my life and has trust issues and anxiety because of it. My family were very toxic manipulators and had to deal with a lot of family drama. But anyways, I'm here now... and I only want positivity and happiness from now on.

It was around 5 in the afternoon, as I was journaling on the floor in front of the television in the living room. Suddenly, I hear light knocks from the front door, before I could get up Mariah tells me she has it. It's like she knew who it was cause she was rushing to the door and gave me a familiar glance and the look on her face... I knew to well, She was worried. She opens the door and I felt all the energy come in all at once.

Mariah: "girl what happened this time?"

Toni: "Whitney"

I knew that voice belonged to Toni. I glance up as she walks in and she glances down at me, I give her a small smile before looking back down at my journal. Then they both sit behind me on the couch.

Toni: "she's just so... I don't know"

I was curious to know who this Whitney woman was that I keep hearing about from Mariah... was she family to Toni or maybe a close friend? As I was finishing up the last few sentences in my journal, I hear Toni sniffing.

Mariah: "you're always welcome here you know... my bed is always available for you"

Toni laughs weakly when Mariah said that and I couldn't help but smile myself. "My bed is also" I thought to myself.

Toni: "thank you girl but I can't leave Whitney like that"

Mariah sighs.

Mariah: "you wouldn't be far... just over here T"

It was quiet for a second and I close my journal looking up at the television, trying not to look back at Toni even though I really wanted to. I don't know why I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach when I'm around her. And why do I feel so comfortable like I've been in her presence before and feel so bad about her still after she was so rude to me earlier today. Suddenly I hear someone get up and walk upstairs. I slowly turn around seeing Mariah on the couch and she gives me a small smile which was fake.

Mariah: "I feel so bad for T and that bitch is stressing her to death"

I couldn't hide the shocked expression that was on my face. Mariah only curses when she's very mad or stressed out and clearly she was both.

Janet: "where did Toni go?"

Mariah: "she went upstairs to lay down a bit"

Mariah puts her face in her hands and I get up from off the floor and sit next to her.

Mariah: "I'm okay J"

She was obviously lying to me and I hate when she do or anyone do for that matter.

Janet: "you know I hate when you lie to me"

Mariah: "I just want Toni happy. as much as she gives off that mean and stuck up act... she's really sensitive"

I stare at her as I was in my head.

Janet: "... you sound funny when you swear"

I said teasingly trying to make her smile, Mariah looks at me then playfully pushes me as she begins to chuckle.

Mariah: "do I really?"

I nod, Mariah rolls her eyes playfully but then stops laughing.

Mariah: "I should go check on Toni"

Janet: "let me"

I stop her from getting up and I make my way upstairs. I open Mariah's room door quietly seeing Toni curled up in a ball. She lifts up a little and looks at me.

Janet: "hi"

She didn't say anything...I sit on the bed, not to close or to far from her.

Janet: "I really don't know you Toni, but you can talk to me..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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