Chapter 1(Rewritten)

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Yamato POV

Yamato: Pain.......that's the last thing I remember.

The roar of piston engines fills the air as dive bombers and torpedo bombers race away from the massive mushroom cloud that once was the biggest battleship afloat.

Yamato: I had died, my crew had failed, and with me I took down my country's hope and optimism in this war. Looking back on really wasn't all that bad, my country was atrocious and needed a new perspective.

Yamato's mangled hull form slowly sank into the abyss. Yamato's spirit, though unseen by his crew, slowly sank with his ship. He took in his last moments on Earth, his last look at the sun, before darkness filled his vision.

Universe change: Azur Lane

Location: Pearl Harbor Base

Time: 1200 hours

Distance to battle:'s literally the battlefield

Pearl Harbor was under attack.........again. Unicorn had just been shot down and Kaga's fox was about to start feasting.

Cleveland: UNICORN NO!!!

Just before the fox could lunge a dense fog rolled in alongside this sound.


The fog was so thick no one could see their hands, but as the mist cleared not only did they see Kaga's fox, no from the mist a shape, a ship was taking form, the mere presence of this ship guaranteed that the silence of the seas was about to drift into a storm. On Yamato's ship, the newly reborn kansen woke up, rubbing his head.

Yamato: head.........wait...head?

He looked himself over and realized he was a human male.

Yamato: Interesting. Hm?

He looked out his bridge windows to see 2 obvious sides being Japan and the US. But just as Yamato could so easily have just gone back to his home country, he wanted to make up for his mistakes and his cruelty against American ships.

Yamato: *sigh* Japan, I will miss you.....but you are not my home......not here anyway.

The 2 sides waited with baited breath as to which side this beast made of steel was going to choose, then it decided to act, it's guns came alive and aimed, before the Sakura Empire and Siren ships.

Akagi: Nani?!

The massive battleship then moved to keep the fox from devouring Unicorn. The fox growled at the battleship before it blew it's horn

The fox backed down because of the guns this warship packed.

Kaga: Hm, let's see how powerful this ship is. GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT!!!

The battleship responded with a will as all 9 18 inch guns opened fire on the fox at point-blank range. The resulting salvo pushed the battleship and killed the fox, the battleship also managed to push Unicorn back to safety as Enterprise picked her up on the way in.

Enterprise: You ok little one?

Unicorn: Yes, I'm fine Enterprise.

Akagi decided now was probably the best time to skedaddle as she ordered a full retreat.

Illustrious: They got us good, but we can bounce back from this.

PoW: It still begs the question, who is that battleship.

Enterprise and Cleveland breached Yamato's ship and made their way to the bridge, Yamato was there but hiding since he didn't know how they would react to him, but as Enterprise entered his heart-rate started going up.

Yamato: Woah......what a woman......

Enterprise: If anyone's in here, come out! This is USS Enterprise. I don't wanna hurt you, just come out.

Cleveland: I don't think anyone is even in here.

Enterprise: *looks directly at Yamato's eyes* No, I think I see someone.

Yamato: Shit she sees me! *whimpering*

Cleveland: Hey, you can come out y'know.

Yamato didn't answer, eventually Cleveland gave Enterprise the reigns.

Enterprise: *kneels down in front of Yamato's hiding spot* Hey, you can come out now, we won't hurt you.

Yamato: P-promise?

Enterprise: Oh my god! You're a boy?!

Yamato: Y-y-yes, m-m-my name is IJN Yamato.

Enterprise: Pleasure to meet you Yamato. Now, I need to bring you back to base. Can you try to keep up with us?

Yamato: I-I can try ma'am.

The trio of ships then made their way to the port and docked, from there Yamato was taken in for interrogation.

A/N: Well, this should occupy you guys for a bit. This is probably going to be the last chapter in this book for a while as I work on Montana's and Missouri's stories. As always check out dieHero, Captainrex2177, and DrDestiny for their stories (which will tie into each other) and as per the norm, this is kuwebby2 signing off.

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