Chapter 11

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Alpha and Beta relations are still unknown. Observing wolves of the ‘mundane’ type we can gather loyalty and obedience are key elements. Very few studies have been done on Alphas and Betas, however through questioning numerous subjects we can conclude the Alpha is the heart of the pack and the Beta is the support that keeps it running. Alpha’s can impose their will on their pack for control and Betas, through their Alpha’s command, can do so as well. Further studies required.

Hunter’s Codex, Pack Dynamics pg. 284

    It was Friday, almost a week since my date with Chris. He continued to pick me and Cassy up for school and bring us back home. He must have told Cassy something because she hasn’t said or asked anything, but I’m never alone with him anymore. Not that I minded. 
    I was headed to my last class of the day. It was music theory, something I wasn’t too excited about. I felt a strange shiver run through my body before I looked up and saw him standing there, waiting. 
    His green eyes locked onto mine almost instantly and his goofy grin began to spread across his face. “Hey.”
    “Hey.” I couldn’t hold back the smile that wanted to cross my face. It felt like my body was burning up on the inside. Was this a normal reaction to a stranger you barely knew?
    “So I know you have ‘the boyfriend’ and all, but would you like to go get another coffee with me?” He shifted back and forth on his feet and stuffed his hands in his pockets. 
    “Well, in regards to the boyfriend, he officially isn’t one, and the coffee is absolutely happening.” 
    His grins grew larger as he ran his hand through his hair. “So what you're telling me is I have a chance now?”
    I kept my face straight trying not to laugh and said, “I didn’t realize the coffee came with a date. I’m gonna have to back out now.” 
    If I didn’t know any better I would have thought I crushed his soul. His whole demeanor drops and he opens his mouth like was gonna say something. It was then that I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and how pale he looked. 
    He clears his throat and tries to make up lost ground saying, “Just coffee. No date needed.” Giving me a half hearted smile.
    “I’m messing with you. Call it whatever you want, I just need more of that coffee. It’s been a rough couple of weeks.” I smiled up at him. We had managed to get closer to each other during the conversation without noticing it.
    He relaxed a bit but his smile still didn’t reach as far. “Just coffee.”
    It was then I realized my mistake, “Oh crap, I have a class right now.”
    “I think classes have already started, it’s past time.” He pulled out his phone and checked the time.
    I checked mine too and sure enough, class had already started. “Scratch that, I’m still good for the coffee I guess.”
    “I feel like I keep making you skip classes.” 
    “Then I guess you owe me another cup after this.” I say as I move to the side and wave my arm for him to lead the way. 
    We walk together in the direction of the coffee shop and I feel him as he takes my bag off my shoulder and throws it over his own. “You can’t just go stealing peoples bags you know.”
    “I like it. I think the color suits me.” 
    I laugh and keep walking. He wasn’t wrong, the purple suited him nicely.
    He places my bag down at a table when we reach the shop and pulls a chair out for me.
    “Are we pulling out all the stops now that you have a chance?” I ask.
    “So I do have a chance.” He places his own bag down next to the chair opposite of me. “Same thing?”
    “Of course.” 
    A moment later he returned with our orders in hand. “Here you are.” He placed the cup down in front of me and took a seat. “Now, jokes aside, how are you feeling about the whole breakup thing?” He sipped on his cup, looking a bit awkward.
    “Good actually, it was mutual.” I said.
    “So you’re still on good terms then?”
    “I guess so, it’s a bit uncomfortable right now, but he still brings us to school and back home.” I took a sip of my coffee, closing my eyes and enjoying its warmth.
    Will’s brows furrowed in thought, looking down at his cup. “So he still picks you up for school?” 
    “Yeah, he’s my roommate’s brother so he’s around often.” Even though I felt like I could trust Will, it still didn’t hurt to let him know I was rarely alone. Safety first. 
    “Hm.” He didn’t say much about it. Just continued to sip his coffee.
    Watching him I noticed again just how dark the circles were under his eyes. He didn’t look too good. “Not sleeping well?”
    HIs cup paused midway up and he glanced at me for a moment before finishing off his drink. “No, not really. Is it that noticeable?”
    “Yeah. I can tell, then again it might be because I’ve been having a hard time sleeping myself.” I give him a shy grin.
    “Maybe we can have a sleepover, help each other sleep.” 
    I choke on my coffee and have to catch my breath before I look up at him, shock all over my face.
    He just gave me one of his lopsided grins and chuckled. “Maybe one day. Who knows.”
    My phone began to buzz on the table, Chris’s name showing up on the screen. “I should take this.”
    Will grabs both our empty cups and walks away to the trash. 
    “Where are you?” Chris sounds a little panicked on the other line and I can hear Cassy’s voice in the background.
    “I decided to skip my last class. Sorry I must have lost track of time.” I pulled my phone away to look and sure enough, it was past the time we normally met up to head home. 
    “Where are you now? I can come get you.”
    Will walks back and grabs both of our bags again, raising an eyebrow in question.
    “No it’s okay, I’ll be right there.” I responded.
    Cassy’s in the background again but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. “Hold on.” Chris said then went away. I heard muffled talking, Chris and Cassy going back and forth. “Shit.” It was rare for Chris to swear so whatever Cassy told him, he didn’t like. “Michelle, are you still there?” 
    “I’m still here.” 
    “Do you think you can walk home? Cassy and I have something we’ve got to go do.” He said.
    I glanced back up to Will, he was still there, patiently waiting. “Yeah, I can. It’s not far.”
    “Good, I’m sorry.”
    “Is everything okay?” I asked.
    “It will be.” 
    I went to respond and next thing I know I hear the call end. I pull the phone back and look at the screen, the end time blinking before going away.
    “Need a ride?”

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