Chapter 21

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Humans exposed to 'supernatural' species must be observed for assurance that crossing of species has not happened. The offending species in question is to be culled to discourage future interactions. If it is found that intimacy has occurred the observed human should be contained and our therapists should be issued to control the damage. Our number one goal is to preserve the human race, however if the extent of damage is too much, termination may be necessary as a last resort.

Hunter's Codex, Hunters code of conduct pg. 770

    It was the end of the week and it had gone by far too quickly. Will was a constant this week, picking me up from school and dropping me off. He stayed with me at night and went back home for work during the day while I was at school. As much as I would like to say that it was a breeze this week keeping my purity in tact, as I promised mom, I would be lying.
    It was a struggle as the days carried on to keep myself under control and the truth of the matter is Will is the only reason things never reached the point of no return. I appreciated that he was going slow but at the same time it was irritating. I just wanted him to let loose and finally satisfy this craving my body had decided it wouldn't let go of.
    But again, I'm glad he hasn't. I wouldn't regret it if things went further, I think if anything it would make the craving worse. My fantasizing alone was making it hard to control myself, there's no telling what reality would be like.
    I was sitting in my last class of the week and couldn't focus the entire time I was there. All I could think about was Will, coming to pick me up from school, and how I felt on edge that he wasn't with me right now.
    The conclusion I have come to is that I have gone absolutely insane. Have I daydreamed about guys in the past when I should be focused on classes? Yes. Have I had those thoughts about Chris in the past? Yes. Are my daydreams of Will all consuming and make those previous flames feel like a block of ice in the furthest reaches of Antarctica? Absolutely. It's entirely different. I don't think it even counts as daydreaming anymore. It's more like an obsession.
    When I worked that summer at my Uncle's farm and watched the farmhand bucking hay I most definitely enjoyed every thought my teenage mind could conjure. But that was the thing, it was a childish crush even though at the time it didn't feel like it. I had been in love, at least what I thought was love, with Chris for the past year. If you had asked me two months ago what I felt about Chris I would have turned bright red in embarrassment from the many daydreams I've had of him.
    Now if you asked me? I probably wouldn't know who you were talking about at first. That's how consumed I was with thoughts of Will. It was only getting worse. If I was in love with Chris then what was this called? Was this the kind of love they write about, the kind that absolutely destroys you if it goes south?
    My professor continues to drone on in the back and I almost missed when he dismissed class. His words going in one ear and out the other. I jumped out of my seat and head out of the building.
    He was waiting for me. I could feel it as I made my way down the sidewalk to the parking lot. It's like every fiber in my body was trembling in anticipation. My feet carried me towards him even though I didn't really know where he was parked. It didn't take long to see his truck come into view. He was leaning against the tailgate, eyes locked on me.
    A grin spread across my face as my feet sped up, taking me to him. He stood straight, his lopsided smile lighting up his features.
    "Hey." His words were barely out before I landed into him, arms wrapping around his neck. He grunted at the force of my hug.
    My nerves began to relax for the first time since he dropped me off this morning and I felt my body melt in his arms. Taking deep breaths I nuzzled into his chest feeling a chuckle shake through it.
    Even though he was laughing at me for practically jumping into his arms in the middle of a parking lot, I could feel him relaxing against me too. He was just as relieved to be with me as I was him.
    As we pulled apart he closed the small gap and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I could feel the small smile on his as I leaned in and kissed him back. Soaking in the warmth the action brought with it.
    He pulled away and looked at me with amusement on his face. "I missed you too."
    I reluctantly let him lead me to the passenger side of the truck. "Good." I said as he helped me in.
    He walked around the front of the truck to the driver's side. "How was school?" He asked once he climbed in and turned the key, the engine flaring to life.
    I leaned my head back against the headrest and sighed. "Terrible." I felt warmth creep up my neck and ears as I tried to not think about the many fantasies I had time to play with for the many hours I was at campus.
    "Why's that?" He pulled out of the campus lot and headed down the blocks towards my apartment.
    I glanced over at him, trying my best to tamp down the urges that stirred in the pit of my stomach. He had the hints of a beard growing in, not being home to shave all week, and, honestly, it was doing things to me I didn't know were possible. Having time to fantasize was not good for my purity. "No reason in particular." I finally said.
    Almost like he could tell what I was thinking, a slow smile grew across his face as he continued to drive closing in on the apartment. I felt the blush creep further up my face and decided it was best to look out the window and not at him. Seeing his reflection grinning from ear to ear didn't help any.
    "What are our plans this afternoon?" His thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand drawing all of my focus on that one point of contact. "Do you want to go out anywhere? Or would you rather find an activity indoors?"
    My face was burning at that point and I refused to answer him. I watched his amused expression from the reflection in the window as he teased.
    It didn't take long to pull into the driveway at the apartment and I couldn't have jumped out of the truck fast enough.
    He followed behind me, laughing to himself. "Come on, Michelle." His arm draped across my shoulders as he caught up to me. "Seriously, though, what's your plans for this afternoon?"
    I pulled out my keys and unlocked the front door, "Honestly, homework." The door swung open, letting the heat from inside flow out. "I need to stay caught up."
    We stepped in, beating the snow off our shoes before crossing the threshold. Once we made it to my room he took my jacket and hung it up on the rack by the door, placing his next to it.
    I was in the process of taking my shoes off when I felt his arms wrap around me from behind, throwing me off balance. He held tight, keeping me from falling and let out a slow sigh. "They come back today, don't they?"
    He was talking about Cassy and Chris. I had kept in contact with her all week, not getting much in response, just her asking how things were going. "Yeah, she said they should be back sometime today." I answered.
    Tingles ran through me as he placed his lips against the side of my neck. "Do you want me to stay?"
    I responded with a hum, already lost in the feeling of his breath on my skin. He placed kisses across my shoulder, sliding his hands across the edge of my shirt, his thumbs leaving a trail on the exposed skin.
    "It might be best if I leave." His words whispered across the back of my neck as he continued to trace his lips across it.
    It took a moment to register what he was saying through my muddled mind. When it finally did click I turned to face him and did my best to pull myself out of my own thoughts. "You can't leave."
    I know I sounded desperate. That would be because I was. I was terrified that I was in this too deep and one day I would wake up and he would no longer want me.
    Will responded with a kiss. It wasn't a rough kiss filled with passion, but it was a deep one. A kiss that screamed I love you. So I kissed back parting my lips for him to explore deeper. I ran my hand across the stubble on his jaw, begging him to know just how much I wanted him in that moment.
    He groaned and didn't let go as he lifted me, placing me on the edge of the bed. His body pressed against mine, stirring that pressure inside of me that had been building all week long. It had gone far past want now. I needed him. His soft curls were wrapped around my fingers begging him to be closer.
    One of his hands found its way across my stomach and sides. Rubbing against the underside of my bra.
    I wanted it off.
    His other hand was wrapped in my hair, pulling me closer, mimicking my question for more. I could taste our shared breath, feel his heart pounding against mine as our bodies begged to be more.
    I was lost in the feeling of him, his touch, the trail of kisses he left across my neck as he pulled my shirt over my head leaving me exposed. Consumed by the desire to feel him as my bra fell off only to feel his warm lips nipping the tender skin that was left exposed.
    I was gone as my legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer, pressing against him. Feeling the soft tickle of his breath as his lips found mine again, whispering my name.
    I couldn't speak, unaware of the sounds coming from me, just that I needed him now more than I ever did. His hand found its way to the edge of my pants, slipping inside to relieve the pressure that was building inside me.
    As his hand moved the feeling climbed even higher before finally reaching a peak. It didn't take long for the warmth to spread through me, as wave after wave of pure pleasure was released, the tension in my body relaxing as I sagged into his embrace.
    Our heavy breaths filled the room as he held me close, trailing his lips across my jaw. "Michelle." His voice sounded rough against my skin.
    "Hm." I could already feel him pulling away from me.
    He stared down, searching my face before rolling to my side, his arm covering his face. "One day." He whispered to himself.
    I sat up, pulling my shirt back on to cover myself. "Why?" There was pain in my voice, it felt like a rejection.
    His hand played with the ends of my hair as he responded. "I want it to be special for you. Not something to just get out of the way before your roommate shows up."
    I glanced over my shoulder at him, a small smile was playing at his lips as he focused on the ends of my hair between his fingers.
    "Go away for a few days so we have time all to ourselves. Not having to worry about work or school, just enjoy our time together." He was lost in his own thoughts, dreaming up what he thought would be the perfect moment for us.
    He wasn't far off either, I had always wanted to wait until marriage. "What you're describing sounds almost like a honeymoon." I let out a gentle laugh.
    He sat up, pulling me close and nuzzled against my cheek. "I can make it that, if you want." I could feel the smile on his lips.
    "Did you just propose to me?" I pulled away, a massive grin on my face.
    "Only if you say yes." He responded
    I leaned against him, laying my head on shoulder. "I don't know if I'm ready to get married yet. I haven't even graduated."
    A chuckle rumbled through his chest. "Then no engagement required for the honeymoon experience." He kissed the top of my head then pulled away again, taking on a more serious tone. "Do you know when they'll be back?"
    I shook my head, "No, she just said sometime today."
    "Do you want me to wait with you?"
    It was a moment before I answered. "Yeah, actually, that would be nice." A gave a sneaky smile. "If you plan on marrying me then it's time for them to not hate you so much."
    His smile was short and didn't quite reach his eyes, "Yeah."

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