Chapter 16

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After many studies we have managed to break down the mating ritual between soulmates. Many speculated a ritual similar to various religions, others theorized that it was as simple as a human wedding. The conclusion is that the mating ritual follows in line more with their animal nature. It is a pure physical connection completed by consummation. At that point the bond is complete. 

Hunter’s Codex, Werewolf lifestyles pg. 600

    I was sprawled out on Michelle’s bed listening to her shower.She was humming some unknown tune to me but it sounded beautiful. I had offered to join her but she wouldn’t let me, saying something about it being dangerous. I’m not sure what she was talking about, but I do know that I probably wouldn’t be able to hold myself back anymore if I saw her naked. Just the thought was getting me excited. 
    Chris was still here, I could hear his footsteps stomping around on the first floor. He had stayed in Cassy’s room for the longest but finally came out after Michelle had entered the shower. He was pacing back and forth. 
    His frustration was so strong I could practically smell it all the way up where I was. Part of me wished he would come knock on the door, then I could take care of him. Rip out his throat? Maybe tear his insides out? Remove his head from his body? Any of them would work, but not before I peeled his lips off for thinking he could touch Michelle like that. 
    Thinking about Chris was a mood killer but I couldn’t help it when his stench filled my nose. I stood up, trying to distract myself from the ticking time bomb down stairs and walked around her room taking it all in. She had pictures on her dresser of who I assume is her parents, she looked like her mom. There were books everywhere, not surprising, and a keyboard set up in one corner. I knew she was in the music department, but I never thought to ask her what instrument she plays. I saw a couple more cases propped next to the keyboard, one I could tell was a violin, the other just a small rectangle. 
    I walked over and knocked on Michelle’s bathroom door.
    “Yeah?” Her voice was muffled behind the sound of water.
    “Are you sure I can’t join you?” I leaned against the door, the need to be in there with her was consuming.
    She laughed on the other side. “I don’t know if I’m ready for you to see me naked.” 
    I wasn’t about to tell her I already had and that she was gorgeous. Thinking about her was getting me excited again. I'm gonna hurt tonight. “What if I promised not to look down?”
    “For some reason I’m having a hard time believing you would keep that promise.”
    “I think you may be right. I don’t know if I would be able to stop myself.” I sighed.
    She was quiet on the other side, her heart rate picked up a bit, enough for me to hear it. It worried me for a second before I heard her speak. Her voice, almost inaudible. “Okay.”
    I stilled, not sure if I heard right. “Okay?”
    “Hurry before I change my mind.” 
    My heart was beating in my ears. That was permission, right? I opened the door a crack, not sure if she was joking or not before fully committing and shutting the door behind me. Her curtain was drawn shut and the amount of steam in the room could smother someone. 
    I wasn’t thinking about that at the moment though, my focus was on the person hiding behind the curtain. She poked her head around, holding the curtain in place. 
    “I’m this close to changing my mind if you don’t hurry.” She held her fingers up close together, water dripping off them.
    I ripped my shirt off and began unbuttoning my pants, “Too late, I’m coming.” 
    Her face was beat red and she hid back behind the shower curtain. I could hear her heart beating like crazy. Has she ever seen a man before? Did she see Chris? My anger was starting to rise before I remembered I would have felt it if she did. All they did was kiss, alot. 
    I pulled the curtain back a bit and climbed in only to be beaten to death with scalding hot water. “ Ow, are you trying to kill me?” I turned away from the water to see her back towards me. 
    I really was going to be in a lot of pain tonight. 
    She had her loofah covered in body wash and was scrubbing her arm. “You enter at your own risk. I’m a cold person and need heat to survive.” 
    I took in her figure for a moment, admiring every last bit. She looked soft and I wanted to squeeze her. Before I could let my mind wander too far I grabbed the loofah from her. “Let me.” I started to scrub her back, the perfect excuse to touch her. 
    The tips of her ears were bright red and she had her arms pulled in, covering her chest so I couldn’t see.
    “So what’s that small square box by your keyboard?” 
    “A flute.” She let the water rinse the soap off, still keeping her back to me. 
    “Hm.” Throwing caution to the wind, mostly because I don’t think I could have stopped myself, I traced my fingers across her shoulders.
    “I’m second chair in the college band. That is if I can keep my spot. I haven’t been able to practice in a while.” A shiver ran down her and despite the heat of the water she had goosebumps. 
    “Hm.” My hands ran down her sides and rested at her hips, she was perfect. I nuzzled into the back of her neck and kissed her shoulder bringing out a small gasp from her, muddling my brain even more. 
    I planted more kisses across her shoulders as she leaned into me, tracing my hands up across her stomach. She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, gazing up at me.
    Our lips met, not holding back as we explored each other. One of my hands grazed the bottom of her breast and the other trailed its way to her behind, caressing one of its cheeks. She was soft to the touch, all my senses on alert, taking in every ounce of her I could. 
    She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me in deeper, sending tingles down my body as our tongues danced with each other. I squeezed and pressed closer to her drawing a moan from her lips between kisses. Feeling myself grow, I couldn’t stop myself from rubbing against her. Grabbing her thigh I pulled her leg up to wrap around me, burning my skin where she touched. I trailed kisses down her neck, squeezing her close and nipping the soft part of her skin at her collarbone. 
    I shivered at her touch as one of her hands ran down my back, the other still tangled in my hair. My hand trailed down her stomach again to rest at her hips, pulling her closer still. Gasps escaped her mouth as I kissed down her chest, sucking on the tip of her breast. 
    “Will.” She breathed my name out, asking for more. 
    Our lips met again, her hand leaving a stream of fire as it ran across my chest and down low. 
    A knock on the door had us both freeze in place. The only sound was the racing of our hearts as we held our breath.
    Another knock.
    Michelle pushed me back a bit so she could stand up right. 
    It was Chris, I forgot he was here and every fiber of my being reacted to his voice, while my mate was standing here, vulnerable. Before she could move I caged her in against the wall of the shower. She locked eyes with me and yelled out, “I’m showering Chris! What do you need?”
    I caressed her cheek and ran my thumb across her lip. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to pay attention to what Chris said. 
    “I wanted to apologize.” He was still in the hallway, not able to come in after she had locked her bedroom door.
    I could feel a growl growing in my chest. I tried to hold it back, she didn’t know just how on edge I was right now with her talking to another man while nude and in my presence. 
    “I just need to be alone for a bit.” She called out to him.
    I pressed against her and brushed my lips against hers, feeling her body respond.
    “Can we please just talk for a second? Give me a chance to apologize.” 
    Michelle placed her hands on my chest, gently pushing me away. “Let me go take care of this.” She shut the water off and climbed out of the shower. She left, wrapped in a towel and shut the door behind her. “Hang on, let me get dressed.” 
    The sound of clothes being shuffled around filled the empty space. I shut my eyes, and counted to ten. Calming my nerves. I blocked out their conversation and kept counting to ten repeatedly, keeping my instincts at bay. 
    When I finally calmed down enough I dried off and put my pants back on. Still tuning out their conversation. I heard bits and pieces enough to know he was still mad that it was me she was on a date with. Makes sense considering he knows what I am. I sat on the edge of the tub and waited for him to leave. 
    After a moment Michelle opened the door to the bathroom and peaked in. “Sorry, he can be pretty persistent sometimes.” 
    “It’s okay.” I ran my hand down my face and sighed. “I should probably let you get some sleep.” 
    “Do you want to stay the night?” 
    I glanced up at her, “Do you really think I’m crazy enough to turn that down?”
    She laughed and walked back into the bedroom. “No funny business. I promised my mom I would save myself and I came very close to breaking that earlier.” 
    I followed her into the room. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Whatever you want is my command.” 
    She turned off the light and pulled back the covers to the bed. I admired the view from behind and fought the urge to grab it as she climbed in. She snuggled in close to me when we finally got settled in. The need to finish what we had started in the shower was driving my mind crazy but it was probably a good thing we were interrupted when we were. She still didn’t know what I was and I wanted to tell her before completing the bond. Holding her in my arms and knowing she wants me was enough for the bond to settle down for the first time in months. 
    “Goodnight Will.” 

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