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Liliana's Pov

      It's 2:00 am in the morning and our big birthday party ended a couple hours ago we decided to have our birthday party the day before our birthday so we can do what we want for ourselves today on our actual birthday I can't sleep at all so I'm just sitting here in my bed reading "The summer I turned pretty" it had just became one of my new favorite books this year.

As my fingers touched the soft papper to turn the page my door swung open with a loud bang I turned my head to see that it was lyo who opened the door. Lyo ran and jumped on my bed and laid beside me.

"Dude you know this is why you have hands so that you can knock on the door" I Said. Lyo rolled his eyes and said "its not that serious".

"What if I was changing or you know doing something I didn't want anybody to see"

"That's what locking the door is for genuis" lyo Said. "What do you want" I said as I let out an annoyed sigh "Arlo had the audacity to wake me up out of my sleep to tell you to come down stairs he said that we're going somewhere but he didn't say where" lyo said.

" oh and happy birthday lils" lyo said as ge started walking to the door

" happy birthday to you also" I said.

" Thank you and Lily come on we need to go" ly said.

I wined and let out a dramatic sigh "Ugh but I don't wanna I'm so comfortable in my bed" I said as I put my pillow on my face. " lils would you just come on I'm trying to get back to bed as soon as possible" lyo said as he left. "Oh my fucking God" I muttered to myself as I put my air force ones on and started walking down the hallway.

As I was walking down the stairs I remember that my dad and my brother Lyiam left to go get my mom from the airport. She went on a business trip for her fashion line called "shopping with elle" she wasn't here for our birthday party but at least she's coming back on our actual birthday.

After the birthday party ended Nolan and Maeve went at a friend's house for a sleepover party Theo is at a party and who knows where Grayson is. So it's only me, lyo, rhys, hallie, and Arlo at the house. As I was walking down the big spiral stairs I made it to the living room where everyone was.

" why are we leaving at like 2:30 in the morning" I asked. Arlo looks nervous and it's weird because I never seen him nervous  "well guys I just need you to go to the car and ask questions later" Arlo said. "can't you just tell us to stop being so serious" Rhys said.

" it's not something I should tell should  tell you guys" Arlo said. "Oooh" Rhys attempted to make this dumb wanna be scary noise. "Did someone die" Rhys said .

"That's not something to joke about Rhys" Hallie said as she rolled her eyes.
"stop joking around and get to the car" Arlo said.


Me,Lyo, and Rhys were sitting in the back seat in Arlo's red Jeep that he got  couple yeas ago when arrived to a hospital. all of us had a confused expression on our faces except for Arlo
"why are we in the parking lot of a hospital" Lyo was the first one to ask.

"You will all find out when we get inside" Arlo said

We all walked inside to a lady by the front desk in the hospital " can we get the room number for mr. Sinclair" Arlo asksed the nurse "sure it's room 203" the nurse said. "Arlo why are we here did something happen" Hallie asked.

We all walked to his room to see him lying in the bed with the arm cast and a heart monitor by his bed but he was still awake. "Hey guys how are you" dad said. " I'm pretty sure we should be asking you that question dad" lyo and I said at the same time.

"Where's mom and liyam" Hallie asked
"We got into a car accident before we could pick up your mom" dad said.
"Okay where's liyam" Rhys asked.

"He's dead" dad said to all of us

When he said that my heart dropped it felt like my head was spinning as tears started rolling down my cheeks I started to breath harder. I ran out of the room before they could see me possibly having a panic attack. I went into the girls bathroom and closed the stall door  and started to steady my breathing and then I started sobbing really loud through out the whole bathroom luckily no one was in here.

After a couple minutes of crying someone knocked on the door. "Can you open the door please" I heard lyo's voice it sounded like he had been crying.
I opened the door as he sat beside me.
"Why are you in the girls bathroom" I said as I wiped away my tears. "To be in here with you" he said as he wrapped he's arms around me I snuggled closer to him.

Me and lyo always had been super close with each other when we came out the womb he was closer with me than he was with liyam and same goes with me.
"What are we gonna do without liyam  with us" I asked him. "I don't know" he said. We just hugged each other and cried for like an hour.

Well that was all for the prolouge the first chapter will be coming soon and also fo you guys have any suggestions for the book to make it better. And I'm gonna try next chapter to put in as much detail in it at I possibly can

1002 words

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