Chapter 1 - Royal sleepover

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Liliana's pov

It's been a whole year since my brother liyam passed away and ever since then things in my household has been weird mom and dad try to act as if everything is okay and normal like there isnt a missing piece to this family. And every one of my family members act like they can't metion liyam around me and Lyo like we're gonna break down crying or something.

I feel like Lyo and I are struggling with this lost the most because we lost a missing piece to ourselves. And everyone had been referring to us as twin's since liyam had passed and it kind if hurts because it feel's like everyone just forgot about liyam. But to get my mind off of it I paint and lyo he hides his pain with humor he's always trying to get someone to laugh or smile I think he feels like it's his job to keep everyone happy.

I am currently in my room putting clothes in my back pack to get ready to go to brias house for a sleepover since we haven't had one in like 3 months I was almost done packing when I stuffed the uno cards in my backpack ready to zip it up when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in"

The door opened to reveal Hallie walking in "Hey lils were are you going" she said as she sat down on the bed beside Me "I'm packing to go over to bria's house".

She smirked when I said that as I gave her a confused look "will Roman be there"

"Yes and what about it" I said as I walked to the closed to go get my other backpack for when we have to go to school tomorrow

"Lily stop playing I know you have a thing for Roman"

As I walked back over to her from the closet I put both backpacks on both of my shoulders "no I don't"

I walked down the stairs as Hallie started following me "yes you do just admit it" she yelled so loud that most likely everyone in the house can hear her "no I don't" I said as I set my bags down by the front door.

I walked into to the kitchen with Hallie still on my tail as I saw lyo baking cookies "omg Lily just admit it i see the way you two look at eachother".

Lyo gave us a confused look as I walked past him to the refrigerator to get a caprisun "What are you guys talking about Lily do you have a secret boyfriend that I don't know about I thought we tell each other everything" lyo said as he was stirring his batter.

"Ly we do tell each other everything I don't have a secret boyfriend Hallie would you shut your big mouth"

"Whatever have fun at your sleepover lils and lyo make sure you save me some cookies" Hallie said as she left the kitchen to do god knows what.

"Ly what type of cookies are you
making" I asked as I peered over his shoulder to see what he was adding in the batter. " chocolate chip our favorite do you want me to save you some for tomorrow since your apparently having a sleepover".

"Yes that would be great I love it when you bake your like a baking god" I said as I dipped my finger in his batter put it in my mouth and ran before he caught me.

"Hey just just for that your only getting two cookies"

I laughed as I said "tell mom I'm leaving ly and please save me more then two cookies I love you" I said as I grabbed my bags from the front door and put the them on my shoulders.

Lyo walked up to the front where I am as he grabbed one of the bags off of my shoulders " do you want me to walk with you".

"sure but what about your cookies"

"The batters in the fridge I will just bake them when I get back"

"Okay then"

I opened the front door and walked to the side walk as lyo closed the front door and ran up to me

"So lils your ready for school tomorrow it's our first day as sophomores"

"Yeah I guess I'm ready but what I'm not ready for is all these cheerleading routines coach Moore is gonna make us do"

"Oh yeah but your lucky because the football team is suppose to be getting an new coach and I don't know what he or she is gonna be like"

"oh yeah I almost feel sorry for you ly but I do hope your new coach isn't a dick"

Lyo and I approached the miller's house as I knocked on the big read double doors within a couple of seconds Roman   brias twin brother answered the door.

"Hey lils what are you doing here not that I'm complaining or anything" Roman said as he looked me up and down.

"Me and ria are having a sleepover" I said as I looked over to my brother lyo gave me my other book bag back
And he gave me a side hug " have fun lils".


"Bye Roman" my brother said as ge started walking back down the street to our house " ly don't forget to save me some cookies" I yelled to him as he was walking further away.

"What was that" ly said as he started playing dumb just to mess with me
"You heard what I said".

"Yeah yeah okay whatever" ly said as we was waking further out of view

I turned back to Roman as he started smiling at me "Come in lily".

I walked in as ria was walking down the stairs "hey lils ready for our sleepover"

"Yeah I'm ready especially for this movie marathon"

"Do you girls want more company I could join you" Roman said as looked at me. I was about to say yes when ria beat me to it " nobody wants your annoying ass presence around".

Roman looked at his twin sister and flicked her off as he smiled "that question  was really directed to lilybear over there not you".

"I told you to stop calling me that since we were six ro" I said as I set my backpacks down because they were starting to get heavy.

"Why not i think it's cute and it suites you" he said as he winked at me.
I couldn't help but smile as my two dimples appeared on my cheeks.

" I love your dimples there so pretty" ro said. Me and my twin brothers all have dimples we were the only ones in our family with dimples that we were well known for. 

Ro grabbed my backpacks off the floor and started walking up the stairs to put them in rias room. We both started following him "could you stop flirting with My bestfreind ro" ria said behind me as we walked inside her room.

Roman turned around before leaving
"you sure you don't want anymore company lils"

"I'm pretty sure that your sister won't like that ro"

"Who cares what my sister likes"

"Umm I'm right here" ria said as she told Roman to get out of here room.

"Ria this is exactly why I should of ate you in the womb" roman said as ria slammed the door in his face

"I wish I could turn back time" ro yelled from the other side of the door.

I laughed at the both of them as the reminded me of me and lyo.

This was chapter one I hope you liked it

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