Chapter 2- the car ride

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Roman's pov

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Roman's pov

I went to go wake up liliana and my sister for school once I've made it to my sisters door I knocked and I heard no response so I just opened the door. Once I opened the door I saw both of the girls alarms on there phone go off but they were still knocked out so they must have been up all night.

I walked over to liliana who was sleeping on a sleeping bag on the floor most likely because my sister Is a wild sleeper. I sat beside liliana as I put my had on the small of her back and shook her lightly so she could wake up.

Her eyes fluttered open as she looked around until her eyes met mine she sat up and scooted over beside me as she rested her head on my shoulder.

I was smiling like crazy but luckily her eyes were closed so she couldn't see me. " good morning princess" I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder "morning" she responded as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Come on we have to get ready for school"

"Can't we just sit here" she said as she snuggled closer to me to get comfortable "as much as I would love to we have to go" i said as I rubbed her arm back and forth and got up I was about to leave when I heard Liliana say "don't you have to wake your sister up"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot" I walked over to her when a saw a glass of water on her dresser and I got an idea a brilliant idea by that.

I grabbed the glass of water and threw it at my sister as I stifled back a laugh when she gasped and jolted up from her bed "What the hell" she said as she looked at me and Lily to figure out who did it. She narrowed her eyes at me "it was you wasn't it" she said as he looked at me.

"I don't know was it" I said as I ran from her room and I heard Liliana's laughter as I ran and I broke out in a smile when I heard her laugh I made it to my room and locked the door so she couldn't get in as I finished getting ready for school


I was in the kitchen making hot coco even though it's warm outside and it not winter I didn't care I still wanted to have it when i was putting marshmallows in my hot coco liliana came down and sat on the stool infront of me.

"is that hot coco"

"Yes do you want some" I asked her as I added more marshmallows I heard her response "Yes I would like some". As I looked up at her and saw her smile with her two dimples popping out on both sides it made My knees want to go weak.

"Here you can have mine I will just make some more for me" I said as I sprayed whipcream in the mug and gave it to her.

"you didn't have to do that I could have just made my own" she said as he took the mug and smiled at me.

I smiled back ad I said "its okay I don't mind at all especially if its you" I said as I got another mug and another packet to make more. A couple minutes later after I was done making the hot coco and drunk half of the mug while talking to Lily about anything I can think of my sister came down and walked over to me " good morning" she said as she grabbed my hot coco and took a sip I snatched the cup back and said "excuse you I didn't say you could have any".

"That's because I didn't ask" she said as she grabbed an orange. " You know what I'm not giving you a ride to school" I said as I grabbed my Keys of the counter.

"Your really gonna be that petty" she said as she got a cup to get a glass of water

"I sure am Lily you can ride with me if you want to".

"It's whatever I can get dad to drive me" ria said she gulped down her water. " Lily do you wanna drive with me and my dad to school" ria asked as she smiled at her waiting for her response.

"As much as I appreciate the offer I think im gonna have to ride with Roman, sorry ria I just don't feel hearing your father's dad jokes the whole ride".

I smiled when she said that "come on then lils" I said as i grabbed her hand and walked to the front door I picked up both of our book bags from the front door.

I opened the front door and unlocked the car. I opened the back door and threw the book bags in the car then I opened the the passenger door her Lily.

" thanks"

"No problem" I said as I walked over to the other side of the car opened the door and got in. Once I started up the car and drove off from the drive way as we started driving down the street we passed lily's house we saw her brothers rushing to get their book bags in the car. I heard Lily giggle as we drove past her house "my family's always late where ever they go" she's said as she laughed some more.

"Ro can I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and also can we go to to Starbucks I'm kinda hungry"

"Sure princess no problem"

A few minutes later Lily connected her phone and it started playing Whitney Huston.

"Really Whitney Huston" I said as I laughed at her. "Sure why not she's iconic" she said as she started singing

"A few stolen moments is all that we share

You've got your family and they need you there

Though I've tried to resist being last on your list

But no other man's gonna do
So I'm saving all my love for you"

As I listened to her sing I started smiling she has an amazing voice ever since we were little shes been an amazing singer.

We pulled up to the drive thru of Starbucks Lily reached over and turned down the music as I ordered the food.

When we had our food I pulled over in to a parking space in the parking lot of Starbuck which was almost empty

"Here you go Lily your food"

" thanks I will forever love your for this" she said as she grabbed the food and the pink drink.

"I'm gonna put it on our song and you have to sing it with me"

"Do I really have to"

" yes please it's our childhood song that we always listend to together"

" Okay fine since you begged"

I knew exactly what song she was talking about "My girl by the temptations" It had been our song since we were six when we used to play it whenever one of us was sad and we would sing our hearts out while  jumping around and with laughter coming out of our mouths. The music stated playing and Lily started smiling.

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day

When it's cold outside

I've got the month of May

I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way

"Come on ro sing with me"
I finally joined in on the singing

My girl, my girl, my girl

Talkin' 'bout my girl

My girl

I always loved singing this song with her because whenever I sung it the song was really directed to Lily but she never realized that.

We finished singing and also finished our food as we started actually driving to school for our first day of our sophomore year.

Hey guys thanks for reading I would appreciate it if you could vote and leave a comment on your of the book I think im gonna start updating every monday

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