chapter 3 - hey jessie

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Tw:thoughts of self harm


Liliana's pov

I was walking down the hallway looking for lyo and Rhys since they said we should go get our schedules together before first period. I turned the corner and I finally found them "Hey guys" I said I walked up to them and hugging them.

"Hey little sis" Rhys said

"how was the sleepover" lyo asked

"It was fun are you guys ready to go get our schedules"

"Yeah sure" lyo said as he wrapped his arm around shoulder as all three of us started walking to the office.We arrived to the front office when Rhys asked the lady "um hey mam can me and my siblings get our schedules"

She looked like she had an additudie she looked up at us and rolled her eyes and asked for our names

"Rhys, Lyo, and Liliana Sinclair" sir I me
an mam I said as I looked at her and smiled

She gave me a ugly look as she printed out our schedules "you sinclairs are always doing something that will get you in trouble and tell your older brother Theo that this school dosent feel like dealing with his antics this school year" she said as she gave lyo and Rhys there schedule and rolled her eyes at me when she gave me mines.

"She such a bitch" I told my brothers when we all started to walk away

"Well you did call her a sir" lyo said

"Well she had a mustache so my bad I got confused"

"you know everyone calls you sweet and says your so nice but if only they lived with you they would know that's all an act" Rhys said as he looked and me an laughed

"What are you talking I am super nice aren't I lyo" I asked as I looked at him

"Yeah um sure you are lils" lyo said as he looked at me

"If anything you guys are the mean ones" I said as I looked as I looked at my schedule

"Ooh look ly me and you have basically most of our classes together" I said as I looked at him

"Yeah 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th period we basically have the whole day together.

Me and lyo have always been super close ever since we came out the womb I would always go to him if I had a problem he knew everything that's was happening in my life the only thing he didn't know about was my panic attacks and the urge I have sometimes when I just want to get a razer and just cut myself I never did it before but sometimes I think about it and when our brother died I think about it even more than usual

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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