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"So our little baby is in there?" Draco whispered, poking my stomach.
"Yup, a little us." I smiled, rubbing my flat stomach.
Draco suddenly tensed, "What about names?! What will my parents say?! How will we know if it's a boy or a girl!? What if I'm a bad parent!? What if they learn about the events that are planning and hate me!?" He totally freaked out, pacing back and forth.
I laughed and stood up, "We have 9 months to worry about all this. But you don't need to worry about anything. We'll be fine." I whispered, grabbing his hands and kissing them.
He sighed, "I'm scared."
"I know. I'm scared too." I whispered, resting my head on his chest.
We're having a baby. A real live baby. And it's slowly growing inside of me. It could be a girl or a boy. Maybe if I eat apples I'll have a boy or maybe eat grapes so I can have a girl, like on Sims 3. Some muggle game that I played all the time. I always used the cheats and used the lucky karma. But my sims ended up being in the middle of a meteor storm. Can I talk to my baby? Can it hear me?
Maybe I could sing for him or her.
Or read one of my books out loud so they can be smart.

No smoking for me.

Not that I do smoke but in the muggle world I did.

No drinking. No drinking fire whiskey at parties.
But you know what that means?
More eating!!!! I eat for two now so I have a better excuse for getting a third plate of food. Bigger boobs Damn, pregnancy has a lot of perks.
Besides the poopy diapers and actually having to feed the child.
Breasting Feeding seems legit. More healthy for my baby unless it's born lactose intolerant.
"What are you think of?" Draco interrupted my thoughts.
"The baby." I replied.
He chuckled, "And what? How you'll get bigger boobs?" I think he meant it as a joke but as soon as I blushed he gasped, "So it's true? You've been fantasizing about bigger boobs?"
I shyly nodded and hid my face in my hands.
He laughed and hugged me, "You're boobs are fine the way they are, but I wouldn't mind them being bigger." I punched his arm as he said that making hi laugh harder.
"Let's go eat." I smiled, pulling him away from the Rom of Requirement.
"Damn it." He muttered, "You'll be eating 10 times as much."
I rolled my eyes and pinched his arm.
"Shut the fuck up, Draco."


"Fooood." I moaned, shoving a piece of ham into my mouth. I smiled at Blaise who gave me a look of bewilderment, "Bloody hell, and you don't even have a watermelon sized stomach, yet. Imagine that. They'll be no more food at Hogwarts."
I glared at him, "Shut up, Blaise."
I continued eating my food when I saw Harry looking over here. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked behind me see if Draco slowly back away. Fuck. What did he do. Then he turned and walked away. I frowned and got up but was roughly pushed back into my seat by Harry who stormed past me.
"What an asshole and I thought Slytherin were assholes." I said, standing up and running after them.
Which was kind of tough considering I didn't know where they went.
I ran through the corridors hoping one of them would show them self and they did.
From the boys bathroom I could hear spells going off and grunts. Honestly, it sounded kind if wrong but right know isn't the time to laugh at dirty stuff. I walked over to the threshold and saw Harry walking past me. I furrowed my eyebrows and was gonna follow him when I heard an odd spell. And I knew exactly who conjured it.
My heart dropped as I heard a thud from the bathroom so I ran to the scene. I cried at the sight of Draco on the linoleum with his own blood surrounding him. I ran to his body and put my hands on his chest.
"D-Draco?" I cried, rubbing his hair. He cried as more blood poured out, covering me as well. His hand slowly gripped mine, lacing our fingers.
"Oh my god," I whispered, "Draco stay with me." I sobbed, "Stay with me please. I can't do this without you."
Blood just kept coming. It was covering me. Covering my clothes.
Covering my hands. He was still crying and wincing in pain as more blood came out.
I brought him into my arms and cradled him. I knew a healing spell but I couldn't remember it.
"D-Draco." I sobbed, "Draco?"
He wasn't moving.

My head snapped at the slight splashing of someone walking behind me. It was Harry.
"What have you done?!" I screamed,
Nothing came out of his mouth, he just stood there.
"You see what you've done? Are you happy? He's dead!" I cried, wiping away my tears but got some of Draco's blood on my face. "Leave!" I screamed and heard him run away. Prick.
I turned back to Draco and rubbed his face, "Come back."
"Please, come back. You can't leave me just yet."

"Daughter. Give me some room." I jumped at the voice of my father. I scooted away to the other side of Draco and held his hand as my father muttered a healing spell. Vulnera Senontur.
That's the spell I knew.

Slowing, Draco's blood moved back to him.


"I want him punished!" I shouted, glaring at Dumbledore who stood at the foot of Draco's bed. "He almost killed him! He could've killed him!"
My breathing was messy and flared, "Please,"
Dumbledore sighed, "Okay Okay, we will." McGonagall stood beside him with my father.
I nodded and turned back to a sleeping Draco, "Leave us."

I heard quieted footsteps leave the hospital wing and I sighed when they were gone.
I almost lost him.
I moved closer to Draco but decided to just lay beside him. I pulled the covers over us and cuddled his bare chest. My hand traced over the scars that covered him. I could get rid of these. But another day, I'm too tired.

'Self medicate while they sleep,
We let the night chase evil things away
And we're like animals homesick from shows
We gotta kill everything before the night gets wasted

Maybe it seems so strange
But we don't even stress at all
'Cause we've got poisons in our well... (poison in our well)

Come at me with everything you've got.

Burst into flames,
Scream in the dark
I'm gonna light up this place
And die in beautiful stars

Does it even make a difference?
When I'm sober, I feel pain
As we run under the stars
Through cemetery backyards (backyards)
Celebrate the way the night hides scars.

So dance if it moves you
And jump in the fire, if it burns you
I'll throw my arms around you darling
And we'll turn to ashes
Drown me in the flames

Scream in the dark!
I'm gonna light up this place
And die in beautiful stars!

But if these demons keep falling from the sky
It's alright
'Cause sometimes I love the way
You swing the blade
At everything in sight!

Separate me from my own two hands, I've killed so many times (killed so many times)
But I can't save the world from the creatures that don't die.

I kinda like the way you tell me, "Baby, please come home,
I need you here right now,
I'm crying underwater so you don't hear the sound."

Burst into flames (what do you do when you're out of time?)
Scream in the dark (where do you go when they're right outside?)
I'm gonna light up this place (and how do you scream when there's no one left around?)
(No one left around?)

And I will be the only light
I'll be the only light'

That song was written by Vic.
Props and Mayhem. It kinda fits my situation but not as much.
Draco stirred in his sleep, instinctively wrapping his arms around me.


*derpy face*

The asterisk look like snowmen, I like the old ones.
Anyways, did you like it?

I actually cried while writing this chapter cause I'm a sap xD

Hope to liked it,



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