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She realised and apologized.

I didn't mean to raise my voice

He just looked at her in shock and kept his mouth shut.


She quickly hung up.

She then put her phone on the drawer.

Did she lose her boyfriend? (Yes)

Did he lose interest in her? (Yes)

Did he still love her? (No)

(Guys I'm joking ok🙄)

She was overthinking and didn't realise she was crying.

(Crybaby. Ok I'll stop)

She was about to fall asleep when she got a call.

She looked at her phone then picked it up.

It was JoJo.

She slowly picked up.

(JoJo's on the left)

I didn't think u'd pick up but hey

Not right now, JoJo

He heard her tired state.

R u ok?


What's wrong, babe

No more flirting

I'm not flirting

She furrowed her eyebrows.


I'm not flirting, sweetheart

Then don't call me those names

What happened
Talk to me

It's nothing

It is something
U're not ok

Then make me ok

JoJo smiled a little.

Where r u

My house
Where else would I be

I'm on my way


JoJo hung up and left Y/n speechless.

She put her phone down and thought about it.

She knew giving him her address was a mistake.

But she didn't wanna stop him.

She completely forgot about Jesse and her head filled with thoughts about JoJo.

Then she got another call.

Only 6 minutes later.

This time, from the group chat.

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