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*Sigh* "Fine, simp"

"Be specific," he rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"If you're gonna call me a simp you should say who I'm a simp FOR," he rolled his eyes again.

"I'm sorry, simp for me"

"There we go. That's much better"

I laughed at his stupidity.

I then heard a knock on my door.

I quickly looked at JoJo who was looking at me with a scared impression.


He ran to my bathroom and closed the door.

I then hid the stuff.

Then I walked to the door.

I fixed myself and opened it to see my mom.

"Hey, honey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ryan told me you were crying, so I got worried"


I should've told my family about Jesse.

But I'm glad I didn't.

I don't even know if our relationship is working out anymore.

We were moving a bit fast.

I think.

"Yeah, just got emotional, that's all"

"Do you want to talk about it?"



"Thank you," I smiled.

"Of course. Do you feel better now?"


"I'm glad. He looked pretty upset when he told me, I think he's really worried. You should reassure him you're ok"


I did raise my voice at him earlier so I should apologize.

But I can't leave JoJo by himself.

"Ok, thanks, mom"



"I love you"

"Love you, too"

My mom left and I closed the door.

"Do you love me too?"

And out came JoJo.



"No, maybe"

"Urghhhhhhhhh, babyyyyyyyy"

"Urghhhhhhhhh, stop."


"Well, I have to go to Ryan"

"Who's Ryan?"


"Your brother"


"What? Who?"

"I don't know"

"It's your bruv, innit," he put on a fake accent.

It somehow sounded so hot.

"Maybe. But I have to go to him to-"

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