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(Mina and Y/n)
(Mina's on the right)



Come over

To ur house?

No Y/n
The alley

Who knows
U could be randomly in the streets

I'll send u my location
*Sends location*

I'm omw ig


Y/n sat for two minutes and started getting ready.

She was in her pyjamas all day because she thought she wouldn't have any plans.

And for most of her time she spoke to JoJo.

Mina's house was not too far but it was quite a distance.

She put on a jeans, an oversized t-shirt, Nikes and left her hair down.

She decided to add a cap cuz why not?

She went downstairs and was about to open the door when she got stopped by her dad.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"To my friend's house?"

"Without saying anything?"

"Ok, dad, I'm going out to my friend's house and I'll be back later. Happy?"

"Well... not exactly"

"Oh my-"

"I'm not home very much because of work and I'd like to have some father and daughter time"

"I was in my room for like all morning and you're telling me that now?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"A lot"

"Oh, don't me a child and spend time with your dad. I could die tomorrow and you'd end up never getting to spend any time with me"

"Why do you do that?"


"Stop saying that sh¡t. You're not going to die tomorrow"

"Y/n, I spoke to you about that"

"Mom, I'm twenty years old?"

"I don't care"

"Twenty years old still living in your parents house"

"Oh, shut up"


"I can do my own thing, guys, I'm old enough and fortunately, for me, there's nothing you can do about it"

"Bros taking advantage"

"Why do you speak like that?"

"It's something that happens when you're fifteen"

"And weird"

"You two never make up, do you?"

"This is our way of showing love"

"It's really modern, you old people would never understand"

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