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Jesse was in his room crying.

He'd never been so heartbroken.

He was telling Claire to come fast.

He needed her.

He went to his bathroom and washed his face like Claire told him to.

He waited for a few minutes until she said she was outside.

He quickly got his jacket and ran out his room.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I told you I'm going out"

"And when do you plan to come back?"

"Later, I don't know?"

Tae Young:
"You don't know?"

"Probably going out with that b¡tch," Abby rolled her eyes.

"Oh, stop. I'll text you guys when I'll be back"

He ran out and hoped that they wouldn't follow him out.

She was standing around the corner.

She was leaning next to her car with her arms crossed.

"Hey, J-"

Before she could say anything else he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.


He realised what he did and tried pulling away when she slid her arms around his neck.

He was a little dumbstruck but smiled shortly after and stayed in his position.

"What's the matter"

"I need a hug"

"Should we stay like this or go out? Your call"

He sweetly giggled.


She pulled away a little but didn't let go.

He didn't either.

They stared into each other's eyes.

Claire smiled a little and he returned it.

"I missed you, Jesse"

"I- uh, missed you too"

Claire leaned in slowly.

"I think we should go now!"

Jesse quickly moved away.


They got into the car and drove off.

They were silent for most of the drive.

They stopped at the beach.

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