chapter 1 - school

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i was woken up by the alarm clock on my bedside drawer, it read 6:45, shit time to get ready for school. i got out of bed and had a quick shower before getting changed and brushing my teeth.

i made my way downstairs into the kitchen where my mam was sitting at the table.
"hey y/n, i made pancakes" she smiled.

thats weird i mean i should have known she'd be acting like this but i never expected her to be this nice. my mam is bipolar but she just got a higher dosage and her prescription heightened because of what happened last year.

"theres some orange juice on the counter next to your medication" she added.
i walked over to the counter and took my meds, swallowing them down with some OJ.

"you excited for school today?" she asks.
"when have i ever been excited for school?" i mumble, stuffing some pancakes into my mouth. i look over at the clock and see its almost 8
"shit i got to go" i say and run out to my car, grabbing my keys on the way out.

*25 minutes later*

"and here's your schedule and locker code" the receptionist said. i just nodded and took the sheet. "thanks". i said before leaving.

i walked to my locker to put away some books i wouldn't be needing when i noticed a blue haired girl down the hall. she was staring at me with this intense, captivating stare. i wasn't sure if she was trying to figure me out or planning how she would murder me. she was really fucking hot. i couldn't see much because of the distance but what i could see was fucking gorgeous.

im broken from the stare off when i heard my locker door slam.
"oh shit sorry" a short blonde haired girl apologised. "wrong locker" she said under her breath. "hey who are you i haven't seen you around?"
"uh im y/n, im new" i explained.
"oh cool, nice to meet you, im Teal" she smiled. "cool name" i complimented.
the bell rang.
"shit i got to go, if you need somewhere to sit at lunch, find me" she smiled and walked down the hall.

i took the sheet the receptionist gave me out of my pocket and checked my schedule. science, shit. room 167. even shitter. that was on the other side of the school.

once i got there the teacher scolded me for being late "you really aren't setting a good impression" she told me.
"my bad" i apologised
"find yourself a seat please, there should be one down the back" she scoffed.

i noticed the only seat left was in the very back corner beside the blue haired girl from earlier. she gave me the same stair as i walked over and took a seat. she had headphones in.

i noticed how much more prettier she was up close. she had these dead eyes that we're filled with mystery, but it was somehow attractive and the colour of blue that filled them only helped. she had thick eyebrows and full lips.

class went by pretty fast and before i knew it, it was lunch time. after a while of getting lost i found the cafeteria and found where Teal sat, she was sitting with a few friends and i joined them.

"hey guys this is y/n, y/n this is Kai, Daya, Caleb, Aaron and Bree" Teal introduced.
"sup" was all i said. a few of them said hey and asked about how i was getting on in the new school. i kept my answers short.

i briefly looked around the room to see if i could spot the blue haired girl but there was no sign of her.

"hey Teal?" i asked, quietly.
"yeah whats up?" she whispered back turning in her seat to face me.
"who's that blue haired girl" i ask.
"oh that's billie, she's cool, but super isolated and never really hangs around with anyone. shes kinda weird to be honest" she answers.
"shes hot" i say under my breath. making Teal's eyes widen. "you're gay!" she whisper-shouted.
"fucking hell" i react to her abruptness "thought it was obvious" i laugh.
"well i mean i see it now" she laughed back.

after lunch, and some more classes i was about to head home when Teal caught up to me in the parking lot.
"hey y/n, i know we just met but a few of is are going carnival later if you wanna join?"
"yeah sure, thanks" i say. "here's my number" i say, taking her phone, "text me the times and what not" i say.
"of course, see ya later" she smiled
"sure" i reply, getting in my car and driving home.


this is my first story so sorry if it's bad, i promise it will get better, i have some plans for this story. let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestions?

also yes y/n is dom and g!p, if ur not a fan, dont read, simple as that.

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