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I walked through the gates and right to that spot.

When I told everyone where I was going they all wanted to go with me but I had to explain that this was something I had to do by myself.

I sat down on the grass and set down the pack of Oreos I had been carrying.

"Hey Eddie. I brought you some Oreos." I smiled as the memory hit me.

It was pouring rain outside.

We both were sitting in his van playing card games.

"How do you keep winning? It's not fair." I set my cards down and wiped away fake tears.

"Don't cry. I have a solution!" Eddie says grinning at me.

I watch him reach under the front seat and pull out a pack of Oreos.

"And before you say 'how long have those been under there Eddie?' I got them yesterday at the store. There not even opened yet." He hands me the pack and I open it.

I take out an Oreo and bite off a tiny piece of it.

"Oh c'mon. The Oreos are fine. See?" He takes the Oreo out of my hand and eats it.

We laughed and ate Oreos.

That became our cute tradition. Whenever it rained, we would sit in his van and share a pack of Oreos.

I pulled out a napkin and set it on the grass. Then I put some oreos on it.

"I know you can't eat them, so I'm just gonna pretend that you can."

My eyes filled with tears.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this." I whispered.

I wiped away a tear.

"I didn't want to believe that you were really gone."

A few more tears fell and I could feel myself reliving that moment.

"Dustin. Where is Eddie? Nobody wants to tell me anything."

Dustin looks at me and his eyes fill with tears.

He doesn't respond.

"Dustin. Where. Is. Eddie."

He looks away.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

My heart sinks. And suddenly It felt like all the air was sucked out of my lungs.

"Where is Eddie?" I whisper. My own eyes now filling with tears.

"I tried to save him. But h-he's gone." Dustin wipes a tear from his face.

"No" Suddenly my legs felt like Jello.

"H-he was being a hero. He wanted to make sure you knew how much he loved you." Dustin pulls something out of his backpack.

I wipe the tears away but more just keep falling.

"He wanted you to have this." Dustin hands me Eddie's jacket.

It still smelled like Eddie.

"This has to be some kind of joke. Dustin tell me your lying."

"I'm so sorry."

My knees gave out and I fell to the floor. If felt like my heart had stopped beating. Everything was going in slow motion and all I could hear was "He's gone." It was like an echo.

Dustin hugged me and the tears fell even harder.

"I loved him." I whispered.

"I know. He loved you just as much. He wanted to make sure you knew that." He stops for a moment and takes a deep breath.

"Even if he couldn't be here to tell you." He wipes away a few more tears.

"I think what hurts the most about you not being here anymore is that I will never have another person in my life who cared as much as you did."

I pull the letter out of my pocket.

After wiping more tears away, I take a shaky breath and start reading the letter.

"Dear Eddie, I wrote this before you went into the upside down. I had hoped that you would be the one to read this. You saved me from myself. I knew from the moment I met you that I would end up falling I love with you."

My eyes started tearing up again and it was getting harder to read the letter. So I closed my eyes and imagined what I would say if he was standing in front of me.

"It's been almost 6 months since I lost you and it still feels like it happened yesterday. There aren't words that can even begin to describe how much I miss you. It feels like I'm never going to be happy again. You really changed my life and I feel so empty without you."

The tears kept falling and I could've sworn I felt his hand on my shoulder.

After eating some of the Oreos and crying a lot more I put my fingers to my lips. I take another shaky breath and trace the letters on the headstone.




I stare at the letters and I can hear the echo again.

"I tried to save him."

"He's gone."

The tears fell even harder this time and I heard somebody walking behind me.

I turned around to see Dustin walking towards me.

"Hey. Dustin how's max doing" I ask him.

"She's stable but still in a coma. Oh and what's with the Oreos?" He asks me.

I smile and say, "me and Eddie had this cute tradition to eat Oreos in his van whenever it rained. I haven't been able to eat Oreos since he died. So I thought that maybe coming here and talking to him would help me remember the good times that we had. When we didn't have a care in the world and just wanted to be happy."

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