Chapter3:Calendula flowers

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It was the next morning and George had just woken up,Dream was still asleep.George stood up

 and looked in Sapnaps direction but Sapnap was not there but instead there was a note.On the note it said.

I forgot to tell you yesterday because we were having so much fun and I forgot to. I had to catch an early flight to go visit a friend, Karl.I won't be back for another week so make sure to stay safe, George take care of Dream and Dream keep George company.


George remembered Sapnap talking about someone named Karl but he had never met or talked

 to him "welp looks like it will just be me and Dream for a while, oh well'' George shrugs. Dream

 woke up as George was leaving the room and also read the note. "Oh Dream you're up" said

 George turning around after entering the kitchen "yep, and i've read the note already" Dream

 says still sounding tired "so what do you want for breakfast?"said George "I don't know how

 about pancakes?" dream replied "sure" said George.They had finished there breakfast and had

 Headed out to the town where a small flower shop caught Dream's eye and he decide to get

some flowers for George "i'm going to go off on my own for a bit meet me back here in like

 fifteen minutes" Dream said "alright sounds good to me"said George.Dream walked into the

 flower shop "hello! Are you looking for anything in particular today?" said a man tending to

 flowers "yes, i'm wondering if you have any calendula flowers" Dream picked calendula

 because the first time they talk George had said they were his favorite flowers "oh yes of course

 is that all you need" "yep" the man got out a bouquet of calendula "that will be $10.25 please''

 "alright here you go" Dream gave the money to him "bye uh"Dream looked at his name tag 

"Wilbur, have a good day" "you too"said wilbur. Dream met up with George,hiding the

 flowers.They went back home.


Dont ask me how Dream hid a bouquet of flowers 

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