Chapter 8:First date

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It was the day after George's birthday. Dream was outside just walking around when he came

across a small but cute looking cafe, which reminded him of George who was also small but

cute, which gave Dream an idea. Dream quickly rushed home and when he got there the first

thing he did was call George who had been dragged out shopping by Karl and Sapnap, Dream

was still asleep at the time. "Hello!" the brunette answered happily "hey George, I was

wondering if you wanted to go to a cafe i found with me?" Dream said, trying not to sound

nervou "oh are you asking me on a date, how cute" George said teasing Dream "it could be

whatever you would like it to be, just a friendly hangout or a date you pick" Dream said smirking

as he teased the brunette back "then let's make it a date" the brunette said practically glowing

"sounds good, i'll send you the location so meet you there at 1:30?" Dream said happily "sounds

good, i can't wait for our date" George said "me neither" Dream said hanging up. George was

celebrating and jumping up and down right now, but he didnt care, he was too excited to care.

Dream picked up the flowers along with the confession letter with a big smile on his face as he

ran out of the door. 1:27, 1:28, 1:29. Dream was starting to get nervous as 1:30 got closer but he

thought otis now or never this was the perfect opportunity he was- Dream was cut of by a

familiar voice elling his name from across the street. He looked up and saw George then smiled

and waived. George was so excited about theredatethat he ran across the street paying no

attention to traffic when...CRASH. George's life flashes before his eyes as a car crashes into him,

everything went blank. Dream took a step back, he felt sick "no no no please this can't be real,

please just be a nightmare" Dream said, tears rolling down his face, dripping into the flowers he

was holding. The car immediately stopped as the driver got out. Dream ran over to where

Georges body was lying unconscious


Dream fell to his knees landing in a pile of George's blood, he had lost so much. The flowers in dream's hands fell onto the ground as Dream cupped George's face, He felt lifeless. Dreams' hands were covered in blood but he didnt care he just wanted to know that George was okay. Dream leaned over and kissed George before breaking down in tears, he cried the most he has ever in his life.

George was pronounced dead later that day, November 2, 1970 at exactly 1:30PM.

He died on impact right in front of the very same cafe that could have been the start of something new.

I always thought he was the one for me,

But I guess it was never meant to be.



Bro ok this is not funny im crying again this is the second time i cried

Like i wrote this so this ending could have been avoided but i like to make myself and you guys suffer, love yall😘

Also i like got your hopes up thinking they would get together because they are actually in the same time period, Nope its still a sad ending, maybe i will make a different ending and get them together, let me know if you would want that.

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