Chapter 7:Surprise pt.2

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The next day George woke up all excited about his birthday.He turned to the side looking at

 Dream, who was peacefully asleep.George sat there staring at Dream for half an hour when

 Dream slowly woke up grunting and opening his eyes "Dream you're finally awake!" the

 brunette screamed beside him "have you been waiting for me to get up?" Dream said smiling at

 George's excitement and big smile "yep! Everyone else is up already so you're the last one"

 George said jumping up and motioning Dream to follow him, dream smiled and followed the

 brunette to the living room. "Wow!" George said looking at all the gifts on the table "wait a

 second, where's your gift Dream?" George said without thinking. He immediately slapped his

 hand to his mouth, apologizing over and over. Dream couldn't help but laugh at the brunette

 cute reaction "one second George i'll go get your gift" Dream said walking over to the room he 

had kept Georges gift in. He returned to George with a birthday card, ring, and a large amount of 

money, but no flowers or confession letter, he had chickened out last minute. "Here you go 

George," Dream said, handing George his gift. George got so excited when he saw the ring that he 

immediately put it on and jumped at Dream giving him a big hug "I love you so much Dream!" 

George shouted without thinking. Dream pushed away from George just staring at him, did 

George actually just say that, did he actually just confess to me. So many thoughts were running 

through Dream's head but his train of thought was quickly broken as Karl and Sapnap bursted 

out laughing. Dream shot them a nasty look seeing how embarrassed George was and they 

stopped laughing. George had gone so red that he looked like a tomato "i-i it's not what you 

think!" George said turning more red, as if that was possible "i...ummm...ment as a friend ya a 

friend" Dream looks at George feeling disappointed "ya were just friends..." Dream said, trying 

his best not to sound disappointed. The rest of the party was a blast, and the whole awkward 

situation had been forgotten. 


Dream you little chicken 

Also George you sure that was a friendly "I love you"😏

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