Chapter 6:Surprise, pt.1

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It had been awhile and Dream had completely forgotten about the calendula flowers.Dream was

 out buying George a gift for his birthday since it was tomorrow.He passed the flower shop

 making him remember the flowers he bought.He decided that his gift was going to be the

 flowers along with a beautiful ring because he remembered Sapnap telling him that George

 likes rings and Dream also noticed him wearing them alot, to go with is was a little card that said

 'Will you be mine?' because if he was being honest he has liked George this whole time and he

 couldn't keep his feeling to himself anymore.Before going home he picked up a new bouquet of

 calendula flowers because it was obvious that the other flowers would be dead by now.The big

 day came fast and George's birthday is tomorrow everyone but George stayed up late

 decorating the house for George's birthday.After hours of decorating everything was ready and

 looked amazing.There was balloons, party streamers, and other fun decorations everywhere

 and most of it was blue,George's favorite color.they all sighed in relief as they could finally sleep 

"George better like this because we worked are butts off late at night to make this happen" Karl 

said exhausted, then Sapnap adds "i swear if he doesn't like it im gonna-!'' "ok, ok, no need to 

get mad i can promise you George will like it" Dream says trying to stop his friends from yelling 

so they dont wake up George.They cleaned up everything and put the gifts on the table "Hey 

Dream where is your gift?" Karl asked "Oh right, I'm just going to give him mine I'm not going to 

put it out on the table" Dream said nervously, hoping that they wouldn't ask why "Hmmmm, 

okay if you say so" Karl said curious as to why but but didn't

ask instead he just shrugged.They all headed to bed making as little noise as possible.Dream 

carefully walked around George to his bed and plopped down on the bed causing it to creak 

"shoot, ah please don't be awake" he whispered nervously looking over the side of the bed 

looking at George who was sleeping on an air mattress on the floor right beside the bed.George 

didn't wake up, Dream sighed and quickly fell asleep.


Sorry about the picture i just love it so much 

Also gogy geting treated well, man where i got to go to get me some friends like this (if you know me irl, idk how you would, this is a joke)

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