Chapter One || A drag in the dark

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First person://

The room begins spinning, the lights flash too quickly leaving black flickers in between colours and the roaring crowd begins to sound like indistinct whispers. I hate clubs. I manage to stumble out of the club half wasted. The frigid breeze of mid-September in Italy sends a shiver down my spine. Exhausted I collapse against the brick wall of the dark, damp alley.

"Woah." a husky voice calls out from behind me.
"I'm so sorry I didn't realize anyone was behind me." I stutter.
"Don't apologize, I just needed a break," he pauses.
"Can't stand being in a room full on intoxicated idiots." he smirks.

I chuckle maintaining eye contact. I know I've seen those deep brown eyes before but where? I rarely forget a face much less such an attractive one. I search through my intoxicated brains scattered memories attempting to remember half of the night.

"I'm Damiano, my band was playing on stage earlier," he broke the silence.
"Although I'm not sure if you remember." He blushed awkwardly the street lights made his beautiful dimples prominent.

Of course! How could I forget. His voice was memorizing. His music had so much emotion, I felt almost in a state of trance.

"No, no I remember, you were amazing." I blush.

He doesn't reply just smiles.

Embarrassed I awkwardly reach into the back project of my jeans to pull out a cigarette and my lighter. The lighter won't spark so frantically I continue to flick it.
As if  this situation couldn't be more awkward he moves closer to me.

"Allow me bellissimo." he says as he pulls out a lighter and takes my hand.
"Thank you,"
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"Just means allow me in Italian." he winks.

An awkward silence follows. He doesn't know I took Italian previously before the trip.

"I'm so sorry that was rude of me I should have offered you a drag." I admit.
"No but I'll share one with you." He replies.

My cheeks flush red and I hand him the cigarette.

"So where are you from?" He asks. "Clearly your aren't from around here." He chuckles.
"Hey was my accent not convincing enough?" I tease.
"I'll give you credit for trying but I've heard babies babbling that sounded like clearer Italian." He jokes.
"Ouch!" I act offended.
"Well I actually live in Canada, I'm here on a study exchange." I inform him.
"So smart and bellissimo" he jokes.
"Are you going to tell me what that means?" I ask annoyed.
"Maybe later tonight." He winks.
"But first you have to tell me something." Damiano bargains.
"What is it?" I ask.
"What is your name?" Damiano asks.

My head felt empty I completely blanked on telling him anything about myself.

"But doesn't that take away from the mystery?" I tease.
"No I need to know." He asserts.

He said it with a tone that made me swallow hard. There was something unsettling about the way he spoke that made my stomach knot.

"It's Chloe." I mumble.
He smiles.
"What?" I laugh.
"Nothing, I'm just getting to know you." He laughs
"Oh." I say taking a second puff.
"Clearly you have a hard time opening up." He says.

We just met, am I supposed to share my whole life story with you?

"So why are you here Chloe?" Damiano questions.
"I told you I'm on an exchange." I laugh at his forgetfulness although I'm a tad hurt.

His relaxed face goes serious.

"No...why are you really here?"
"There's only one real push factor to going abroad; escape." He says.
"What do you mean?" I ponder.
"You're running from something... what?" He asks.
"I don't think I'm the one with secrets." I accuse
"Don't get defensive." He demands

I glare at him but sigh and give in. Something about him makes me feel at ease to confide. Unfortunately I think this little secret will be a turn off and ruin what little chemistry there is between us.

"A few months ago I went through a very tough breakup." I pause and discreetly wipe away a tear.

Damn vodka makes me emotional.

"He cheated on me with my friend." I finished.
"Fuck." He sighed.

I try to find my ground, I hate to admit it but the way he said it turned me on.

"I'm so sorry Chloe that's horrible." He sympathizes. 

I don't speak; I just nod, afraid a muffled tear might come out of my mouth if I attempt.

"You deserve so much better..." He continues.
"I could give you so much better."

My heart begins to beat rapidly. Did he really just say what I think he did?

"Wha-" I stutter.

Damiano moves closer to me pinning me against the brick wall before I can finish my sentence. His body is pressed against mine. He's so close his warm breath brushes my face. Slowly he grabs my waist to pull me closer to his chest. I look into his deep sunken eyes almost begging for him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks.
"Please." I beg.

Damiano softly cupped my face and begin to lean in closer. His soft lips embraced mine sending a shiver down my spine. I kissed back immediately. He tasted like cigarettes and strawberries. Slowly he began kissing my neck making his way swiftly down to my collar bone.
"Careful I'm gonna get a hicky." I whisper trying not to draw any attention although the street was empty.

"But I want everyone to know you're mine." 

My heart skips a beat hearing those words. I don't stop him, I want everyone to know too. He makes his way back up to my lips and our lips continue to brush until ten minutes pass and he uses his index finger to shush my lips.

"We should take this back to my apartment." He whispers as points to the large complex across the street.


In between sloppy kisses he manages to open the door slamming it aggressively behind us.

This is a side of him I hadn't seen.

"Fuck." He sighs.
I try to hide my smile.

He grabs my hips then wraps my legs around his waist. I grab the base of his neck and continue kissing it while he leads me up to the bedroom. He practically throws me onto the bed then tried to tear his shirt off. I try to keep the same pace stripping down.
"Fuck you are so beautiful." Damiano says.
"Bellissimo?" I question.
I laugh.

We lock eyes waiting for the silence to break.

"I need to hear this is what you want." He demands.
"It is."

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